Semantic search

ParticleSystem:getSpinGets the spin of the sprite.
ParticleSystem:getSpinVariationGets the amount of spin variation.
ParticleSystem:getSpreadGets the amount of directional spread of the particle emitter (in radians).
ParticleSystem:getTangentialAccelerationGets the tangential acceleration (acceleration perpendicular to the particle's direction).
ParticleSystem:getTextureGets the texture (Image or Canvas) used for the particles.
ParticleSystem:getXGets the x-coordinate of the particle emitter's position.
ParticleSystem:getYGets the y-coordinate of the particle emitter's position.
ParticleSystem:hasRelativeRotationGets whether particle angles and rotations are relative to their velocities.
ParticleSystem:isActiveChecks whether the particle system is actively emitting particles.
ParticleSystem:isEmptyChecks whether the particle system is empty of particles.
ParticleSystem:isFullChecks whether the particle system is full of particles.
ParticleSystem:isPausedChecks whether the particle system is paused.
ParticleSystem:isStoppedChecks whether the particle system is stopped.
ParticleSystem:moveToMoves the position of the emitter.
ParticleSystem:pausePauses the particle emitter.
ParticleSystem:resetResets the particle emitter, removing existing particles and resetting the lifetime counter.
ParticleSystem:setAreaSpreadSets area-based spawn parameters for the particles.
ParticleSystem:setBufferSizeSets the size of the buffer (the max allowed amount of particles in the system).
ParticleSystem:setColorSets the color of the image.
ParticleSystem:setColorsSets the colors to apply to the particle sprite.
ParticleSystem:setDirectionSets the direction the particles will be emitted in.
ParticleSystem:setEmissionAreaSets area-based spawn parameters for the particles.
ParticleSystem:setEmissionRateSets the amount of particles emitted per second.
ParticleSystem:setEmitterLifetimeSets how long the particle system should emit particles
ParticleSystem:setGravitySets the gravity affecting the particles (acceleration along the y-axis).
ParticleSystem:setImageSets the image to be used for the particles.
ParticleSystem:setInsertModeSets the mode to use when the ParticleSystem adds new particles.
ParticleSystem:setLifetimeSets how long the particle system should emit particles (if -1 then it emits particles forever).
ParticleSystem:setLinearAccelerationSets the linear acceleration (acceleration along the x and y axes) for particles.
ParticleSystem:setLinearDampingSets the amount of linear damping (constant deceleration) for particles.
ParticleSystem:setOffsetSet the offset position which the particle sprite is rotated around.
ParticleSystem:setParticleLifeSets the life of the particles.
ParticleSystem:setParticleLifetimeSets the lifetime of the particles.
ParticleSystem:setPositionSets the position of the emitter.
ParticleSystem:setQuadsSets a series of Quads to use for the particle sprites.
ParticleSystem:setRadialAccelerationSet the radial acceleration (away from the emitter).
ParticleSystem:setRelativeRotationSets whether particle angles and rotations are relative to their velocities.
ParticleSystem:setRotationSets the rotation of the image upon particle creation (in radians).
ParticleSystem:setSizeSets the size of the particle (1.0 being normal size).
ParticleSystem:setSizeVariationSets the amount of size variation.
ParticleSystem:setSizesSets the sizes of the particle over its lifetime.
ParticleSystem:setSpeedSets the speed of the particles.
ParticleSystem:setSpinSets the spin of the sprite.
ParticleSystem:setSpinVariationSets the amount of spin variation.
ParticleSystem:setSpreadSets the amount of spread for the system.
ParticleSystem:setSpriteSets the image which is to be emitted.
ParticleSystem:setTangentialAccelerationSets the tangential acceleration (acceleration perpendicular to the particle's direction).
ParticleSystem:setTextureSets the texture (Image or Canvas) to be used for the particles.
ParticleSystem:startStarts the particle emitter.
ParticleSystem:stopStops the particle emitter, resetting the lifetime counter.