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Show new changes starting from 07:17, 28 February 2025

26 February 2025

     16:08  love.math.newTransform‎ (diff | hist) . . (+2,708). . Darkfrei (talk | contribs) (Examples)
     15:55  Transform:getMatrix‎ (diff | hist) . . (+691). . Darkfrei (talk | contribs)
N    04:50  Spookyard‎ (diff | hist) . . (+544). . Lexloki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Spookyard is a local 2D multiplayer computer game that has different and competitive dynamics for each arena, offering game modes that can vary within the topdown and sidescro...")
     04:48 (Upload log) . . Lexloki (talk | contribs) uploaded File:SpookyardScreenshot.png
     00:11  lua-enet‎ (diff | hist) . . (+34). . Steveroll (talk | contribs)

25 February 2025

     23:18  Getting Started (Türkçe)‎‎ (3 changes | history) . . (+688). . [Lersiz‎ (3×)]
 m    23:18 (cur | prev) . . (0). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (Dizin değil Hedef olmalı)
 m    23:17 (cur | prev) . . (0). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (love'ı yerine love'yi)
      23:15 (cur | prev) . . (+688). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (Çevrilmemiş kısmın bir kısmı tamamlandı.)
 m   23:13  socket‎ (diff | hist) . . (-7). . Masakk1 (talk | contribs) (update links to the current location of luasocket's documenation)
     22:08  Main Page (Türkçe)‎‎ (4 changes | history) . . (+308). . [Lersiz‎ (4×)]
 m    22:08 (cur | prev) . . (+27). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (small fix)
      22:06 (cur | prev) . . (+208). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (Adopt the naming style "Original Page Name (Language)" used in other translations)
 m    21:43 (cur | prev) . . (+30). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (Minor fixes)
 m    21:40 (cur | prev) . . (+43). . Lersiz (talk | contribs) (Use more widely accepted translations for some words (config, framework), fix some typos and make more consistent with the original page)

21 February 2025

     13:23  Font:getHeight‎ (diff | hist) . . (+31). . Deri lulzz (talk | contribs)
N    13:20  love.window.setMode (Português)‎ (diff | hist) . . (+6,622). . Deri lulzz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{newin (Português)|0.9.0|090|type=function|text=Saiu de (Português)}} Define o modo de exibição e propriedades da janela. Se a largura ou...")