Difference between revisions of "12.0"

(Removed duplicated line)
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* Added t.highdpi startup flag in [[love.conf]], replacing t.window.highdpi and the highdpi flag of [[love.window.setMode]].
* Added t.highdpi startup flag in [[love.conf]], replacing t.window.highdpi and the highdpi flag of [[love.window.setMode]].
* Added support for highdpi mode in Windows.
* Added support for highdpi mode in Windows.
* Added [[love.window.focus]].
* Added [[lua-https|HTTPS]] Lua module.
* Added [[lua-https|HTTPS]] Lua module.
* Added variants of enet's [[enet.peer:send|peer:send]] and [[enet.host:broadcast|host:broadcast]] methods that take light userdata and size parameters.
''' Data '''
* Added [[Data]] methods for getting number values.
* Added [[ByteData]] methods for setting number values.
* Added optional byte offset and size parameters to [[Data:getString]].
* Added [[ByteData:setString]].
* Added a variant of [[love.data.pack]] which takes an existing [[ByteData]] object.
Line 47: Line 57:
* Added new [[GamepadButton|Gamepad API buttons]]: "misc1", "paddle1", "paddle2", "paddle3", "paddle4". and "touchpad".
* Added new [[GamepadButton|Gamepad API buttons]]: "misc1", "paddle1", "paddle2", "paddle3", "paddle4". and "touchpad".
* Added [[love.keyboard.isModifierActive]].
* Added [[love.keyboard.isModifierActive]].
* Added parameters to [[love.wheelmoved]]: precise X and Y movement numbers, and a direction enum.
Line 54: Line 65:
''' Physics '''
''' Physics '''
* Added [[World:getFixturesInArea]].
* Added [[World:rayCastAny]] and [[World:rayCastClosest]].
* Added [[World:getShapesInArea]].
* Added [[World:queryShapesInArea]] (replaces [[World:queryBoundingBox]]).
* Added [[Body:getShapes]] (replaces [[Body:getFixtures]]).
* Added [[Body:getShape]] convenience method.
* Added [[Contact:getShapes]] (replaces [[Contact:getFixtures]]).
* Added [[Body:hasCustomMassData]].
* Added convenience functions for creating a [[Body]] and [[Shape]] together:
** Added [[love.physics.newCircleBody]].
** Added [[love.physics.newRectangleBody]].
** Added [[love.physics.newPolygonBody]].
** Added [[love.physics.newEdgeBody]].
** Added [[love.physics.newChainBody]].
Line 73: Line 96:
* Added [[love.graphics.copyBuffer]], [[love.graphics.copyBufferToTexture|copyBufferToTexture]], and [[love.graphics.copyTextureToBuffer|copyTextureToBuffer]].
* Added [[love.graphics.copyBuffer]], [[love.graphics.copyBufferToTexture|copyBufferToTexture]], and [[love.graphics.copyTextureToBuffer|copyTextureToBuffer]].
* Added APIs for interacting with the [[GraphicsBuffer|Buffer]] objects owned by [[Mesh]]es.
* Added APIs for interacting with the [[GraphicsBuffer|Buffer]] objects owned by [[Mesh]]es.
* Added variants of [[love.graphics.newMesh]] to construct a [[Mesh]] from existing [[GraphicsBuffer|Buffer]]s.
* Added [[Mesh:getAttachedAttributes]].
* Added [[Mesh:getAttachedAttributes]].
* Added an optional start array index parameter to [[Mesh:attachAttribute]].
* Added an optional start array index parameter to [[Mesh:attachAttribute]].
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=== Changes ===
=== Changes ===
* Changed [[love.physics]] Shapes and Fixtures to be combined together, in [[Shape]] objects. Separate [[Fixture]]s no longer exist.
* Changed [[love.physics.newCircleShape]], [[love.physics.newRectangleShape|newRectangleShape]], [[love.physics.newPolygonShape|newPolygonShape]], [[love.physics.newEdgeShape|newEdgeShape]], and [[love.physics.newChainShape|newChainShape]] to take a [[Body]] as their first parameter.
* Changed [[love.physics]] callbacks that used to take [[Fixture]] parameters to now take [[Shape]] parameters.
* Changed [[Shape:setDensity]] to no longer need [[Body:resetMassData]] afterward unless the Body already has custom mass data.
* Changed the behaviour of attaching a [[Shape]] to a [[Body]] to no longer reset mass data if it's been customized.
* Changed [[RevoluteJoint:getMotorTorque]] and [[WheelJoint:getMotorTorque]] to take 'dt' as a parameter instead of 'inverse_dt'.
* Changed [[love.filesystem.exists]] to no longer be deprecated.
* Changed [[love.filesystem.exists]] to no longer be deprecated.
* Changed the default font from Vera size 12 to Noto Sans size 13.
* Changed the default font from Vera size 12 to Noto Sans size 13.
Line 115: Line 145:
* Changed [[love.graphics.points]] to require 'love_PointSize' to be set in the vertex shader, if a custom shader is used.
* Changed [[love.graphics.points]] to require 'love_PointSize' to be set in the vertex shader, if a custom shader is used.
* Changed [[love.graphics.setCanvas]] to always clear auto-generated temporary depth and stencil buffers when they're used.
* Changed [[love.graphics.setCanvas]] to always clear auto-generated temporary depth and stencil buffers when they're used.
* Changed [[love.graphics.clear]] to no longer be affected by [[love.graphics.setScissor]] or [[love.graphics.setColorMask]].
* Changed [[Shader]] code parsing to ignore shader entry point functions inside comments.
* Changed [[Shader]] code parsing to ignore shader entry point functions inside comments.
* Changed audio file decoding to choose the most appropriate decoder based on file contents instead of the file extension.
* Changed audio file decoding to choose the most appropriate decoder based on file contents instead of the file extension.
* Changed [[Video]]s to stream audio from the file instead of loading all the video file into memory for use with audio decoding.
* Changed [[Video]]s to stream audio from the file instead of loading all the video file into memory for use with audio decoding.
* Changed [[RevoluteJoint:getMotorTorque]] and [[WheelJoint:getMotorTorque]] to take 'dt' as a parameter instead of 'inverse_dt'.
* Changed [[love.math.perlinNoise]] and [[love.math.simplexNoise]] to use higher precision numbers for its internal calculations.
* Changed [[love.math.perlinNoise]] and [[love.math.simplexNoise]] to use higher precision numbers for its internal calculations.
* Changed the <code>t.accelerometerjoystick</code> [[love.conf]] flag to be unset by default.
* Changed the <code>t.accelerometerjoystick</code> [[love.conf]] flag to be unset by default.
Line 132: Line 162:
* Deprecated [[love.filesystem.newFile]] (replaced by [[love.filesystem.openFile]]).
* Deprecated [[love.filesystem.newFile]] (replaced by [[love.filesystem.openFile]]).
* Deprecated [[love.math.noise]] (replaced by [[love.math.perlinNoise]] and [[love.math.simplexNoise]]).
* Deprecated [[love.math.noise]] (replaced by [[love.math.perlinNoise]] and [[love.math.simplexNoise]]).
* Deprecated the variants of [[love.physics.newCircleShape]], [[love.physics.newRectangleShape|newRectangleShape]], [[love.physics.newPolygonShape|newPolygonShape]], [[love.physics.newEdgeShape|newEdgeShape]], and [[love.physics.newChainShape|newChainShape]] that don't take a [[Body]] parameter.
* Deprecated [[Body:getFixtures]] (replaced by [[Body:getShapes]]).
* Deprecated [[Contact:getFixtures]] (replaced by [[Contact:getShapes]]).
* Deprecated [[World:queryBoundingBox]] (replaced by [[World:queryShapesInArea]]).
* Deprecated [[ChainShape:getChildEdge]].
* Deprecated [[love.graphics.setNewFont]] (use [[love.graphics.newFont]] and [[love.graphics.setFont]] instead).
* Deprecated [[love.graphics.setNewFont]] (use [[love.graphics.newFont]] and [[love.graphics.setFont]] instead).
* Deprecated [[love.graphics.newText]] (renamed to [[love.graphics.newTextBatch]]).
* Deprecated [[love.graphics.newText]] (renamed to [[love.graphics.newTextBatch]]).
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=== Removals ===
=== Removals ===
* Removed [[Fixture]] objects. All methods previously in Fixtures are now available in [[Shape]]s.
* Removed the variant of [[SpriteBatch:setColor]]() which turns off all previously set colors.
* Removed the variant of [[SpriteBatch:setColor]]() which turns off all previously set colors.
* Removed the no-argument variant of [[love.graphics.setColorMask]].
* Removed the no-argument variant of [[love.graphics.setColorMask]].

Revision as of 03:25, 3 December 2023

O.png The information on this page may not be accurate or up to date due to the information pertaining to a version that is currently in development.  

The codename for LÖVE 12.0 is TBD. It is currently not released.

Changes from 11.4














  • Fixed BezierCurve:render adding collinear points in some situations.
  • Fixed line rendering when the line has duplicate points.
  • Fixed sound Decoders to cause a Lua error instead of hard-crashing when memory for the decoding buffer can't be allocated.
  • Fixed oversaturated colors on macOS when a P3-capable display is used.