Shape | Shapes are objects used to control mass and collisions. |
Shape (Français) | Les Shapes sont des objets pour contrôler les masses et les collisions. |
SoundData | Contains raw audio samples. |
Source | A Source represents audio you can play back. |
Source:clone | Creates an identical copy of the Source in the stopped state. |
Source:getActiveEffects | Gets a list of the Source's active effect names. |
Source:getAirAbsorption | Gets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source. |
Source:getAttenuationDistances | Gets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source. |
Source:getChannelCount | Gets the number of channels in the Source. |
Source:getChannels | Gets the number of channels in the Source. |
Source:getCone | Gets the Source's directional volume cones. |
Source:getDirection | Gets the direction of the Source. |
Source:getDistance | Returns the reference and maximum distance of the source. |
Source:getDuration | Gets the duration of the Source. |
Source:getEffect | Retrieve filter settings associated to a specific effect. |
Source:getFilter | Gets the filter settings currently applied to the Source. |
Source:getFreeBufferCount | Gets the number of free buffer slots of a queueable Source. |
Source:getPitch | Gets the current pitch of the Source. |
Source:getPosition | Gets the position of the Source. |
Source:getRolloff | Returns the rolloff factor of the source. |
Source:getType | Gets the type of the Source. |
Source:getVelocity | Gets the velocity of the Source. |
Source:getVolume | Gets the current volume of the Source. |
Source:getVolumeLimits | Returns the volume limits of the source. |
Source:isLooping | Returns whether the Source will loop. |
Source:isPaused | Returns whether the Source is paused. |
Source:isPlaying | Returns whether the Source is playing. |
Source:isRelative | Gets whether the Source's position and direction are relative to the listener. |
Source:isStatic | Returns whether the Source is static. |
Source:isStopped | Returns whether the Source is stopped. |
Source:pause | Pauses a source. |
Source:play | Plays a source. |
Source:queue | Queues SoundData for playback in a queueable Source. |
Source:resume | Resumes a paused source. |
Source:rewind | Rewinds a source. |
Source:seek | Sets the currently playing position of the Source. |
Source:setAirAbsorption | Sets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source. |
Source:setAttenuationDistances | Sets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source. |
Source:setCone | Sets the Source's directional volume cones. |
Source:setDirection | Sets the direction of the Source. |
Source:setDistance | Sets the reference and maximum distance of the source. |
Source:setEffect | Applies an audio effect to the Source. |
Source:setFilter | Sets a low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass filter to apply when playing the Source. |
Source:setLooping | Sets whether the Source should loop. |
Source:setPitch | Sets the pitch of the Source. |
Source:setPosition | Sets the position of the Source. |
Source:setRelative | Sets whether the Source's position and direction are relative to the listener. |
Source:setRolloff | Sets the rolloff factor. |
Source:setVelocity | Sets the velocity of the Source. |
Source:setVolume | Sets the current volume of the Source. |