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All Libraries

NameDescriptionLOVE VersionKeyword
30logA small and effective object-orientation framework in 30 linesAnyClass
AstrayAstray is a lua based maze, room and dungeon generation library for dungeon crawlers and rougelike video games.AnyProcedural
BlobA serialization and parser library for binary file formatsAnySerializing
CupidA debugging shim providing a console, crash logging, and project reloading.AnyDebug
DonutSimplified debug message control systemAnyDebug
DoxA Lua Documentation Generator ScriptAnyDocumentation
ELSchedulerPure Lua library to manage timersAnyTimer
Fizz XPlatformer(AABB) physics libraryAnyPhysics
FluxFast, lightweight tweening libraryAnyAnimation
GraphoonA force directed graph algorithm written in Lua.AnyClass
GreaseThe one and (no longer) only networking libraryAnyNetworking
HCA collision detection systemAnyPhysics
HUMPGamedev-Powertools: Gamestates, timed function calls, tweening, vectors, object orientation, cameras and signalsAnyFramework
HooECSIt's a full-featured Entity-Component-System framework for making games with LuaAnyFramework
JumperFast pathfinding library for 2D grid-based mapsAnyAI
KueyKuey is a library that encode/decode strings and files with a key.Any
LibCompressPure Lua Compression libraryAny
LovebirdA browser-based debug console for LÖVEAnyDebug
LovetoysIt's a full-featured Entity-Component-System framework for making games with LUA. The original and only.AnyECS
Lua FOVField of View (FOV) algorithms implemented in LuaAny
LuaNameGenLua Name Generator for characters, objects, places, etc.AnyProcedural
LuaTableA library that converts tables to Lua code that can be saved.AnySerializing
LuaoopOOP (Object Oriented Programming) class-based libraryAnyClass
LumeUtility functions geared towards game developmentAny
MGLMathematics for Graphics in pure LuaAnyMath
MiddleClassObject-orientation for LuaAnyClass
MosesA utility-belt library for fun and functional programming with LuaAny
NoobhubMultiplayer and network messagingAnyNetworking
PopoCharacter based programmable text libraryAnyString
RL-DiceA dice module aimed for roguelikes.AnyMath
RandomLuaRandom numbers generator for all platformsAnyMath
SICKEasy high-score keeping.Any
SQLite3A simple, hassle-free, SQLite3 database solution for Lua.AnyDatabase
SerA fast, robust, richly-featured table serialisation libraryAny
SerialA serialization library optimized for very large tables.AnySerializing
Simple Educative Class LibraryA class implementationAnyClass
StateswitcherA state switcher library based on files (one file=one state).AnyState
Transform (Library)A library designed to ease the handling of coordinate/angle transformations in worldAnyMath
TserialConverts tables into strings and back. Good for saving games, multiplayer, etc.AnySerializing
YonderA ridiculously easy to use game state manager.AnyState
arrayA useful collection of methods to work with Lua tables in an array fashion.Any
beholder.luaEvent observation for Lua.Any
binserCustomizable Lua Serializer - Great for Saving GamesAnySerializing
bitserSerializes and deserializes Lua values with LuaJITAnySerializing
bump.luaMinimal collision detection lib.AnyPhysics
claspTiny Lua class libraryAnyClass
cronA set of functions for executing actions at a certain time interval.AnyTimer
cron.luaTime-based functions for Lua.AnyTimer
gameraCamera library for LÖVE.Any
hxdxPhysics library (easier box2d)AnyPhysics
inspect.luaPretty-print for Lua.Any
libSaveTableToFileLoad and save tables as text files.AnySerializing
libxmlLua XML LibraryAnySerializing
lol.luaObject prototyping library for Lua.AnyClass
love-loaderLoad images and sounds in a separate thread.Any
love.bundleData saving lib for Love.AnySerializing
love.screenManage easily your screen resolution, caption, ...Any
luaFortuneLibraries for procedural generation in lua.Any
luasortArray sorting algorithmsAnyMath
lureHTML DOM Parser/Renderer.Any
memoize.luaGeneric memoization for Lua.Any
profileA real-time profiler for finding bottlenecks in your gameAnyDebug
rstarR*Tree implementation in LuaAnyData structure
sstrict.luaParses and detects mistakes in your Lua source codeAnyDebug
stateful.luaStateful Object Orientation for middleclass.AnyState
strongA library that provides many enhancements to strings.AnyString
tile-colliderModule for resolving tile collisions (+slopes)AnyPhysics
tiny-ecsEntity Component System for lua.AnyFramework
tweenSmall sets of functions for performing tweening in LuaAnyAnimation
tween.luaSimple tweening lib for Lua.AnyAnimation
lua-httpsA simple Lua HTTPS module using native platform backends where applicable.12.0Networking
WasxA very versatile input manager for LÖVE11.xInput
layouterSimple UI grid layout library.11.4+Graphical User Interface
cimgui-loveLÖVE module for Dear ImGui, obtained by wrapping cimgui with LuaJIT FFI.11.4Graphical User Interface
love.makerA library that can minify, compile and compress your LÖVE2D project folder11.3+Distribution
love.sceneSmall scene graph library written for the LÖVE framework using pure Lua11.3+Framework
TÖVEAnimated vector graphics and SVG rendering11.2SVG
breezefieldminimal love.physics wrapper11.2Physics
NoHighDPIDisable High DPI scaling on Android devices. (useless since LÖVE 11.3)11.1Resolution
Live2LOVELÖVE library to show Live2D Cubism 2 models11.0Animation
ShädowsA dynamic shadows & lights library for löve11.0Lighting
lovesizeLibrary that makes it possible to work with a fixed game resolution, while scaling the screen and clipping objects outside of it, making a letterbox effect.11.0Resolution
FPSGraphA simple lightweight graphing utility for LOVE0.9.x
ThranduilUI module for LÖVE sources, website : 4040.9.xGraphical User Interface
ZoetropeA starter kit for LÖVE, including sprites, collisions, maps, and debugging.0.9.xFramework
anim8Animation Library for LÖVE.0.9.xAnimation
sfxr.luaGenerate your sounds dynamically, at runtime0.9.xSound
utf8Provides basic support for manipulating UTF-8 strings.0.9.2String
utf8 (简体中文)Provides basic support for manipulating UTF-8 strings.0.9.2String
CameraMgrA highly dynamic and robust camera library in around 200 lines of code.0.9.1+
StackingSceneMgrA simple scene manager, scenes are lua files.0.9.1+
TransitionMgrA simple transition manager, transitions are just lua files.0.9.1+
LuaPillLuaPill (short for "Practical Isometric Layering Library for Lua") is an engine for generating isometric maps for Löve2D and Lua.0.9.1
Löve BoneA robust object-oriented 2D Skeletal Animation framework for LÖVE.0.9.1Animation
MonocleDebugging & Expression watching for Love2D0.9.1
lua-enetMultiplayer networking module for games.0.9.0Networking
QuickieSimple(r), but powerful GUI. (renamed to SUIT)0.8.xGraphical User Interface
Substitute541/Love3DThis allows you to simulate real 3D in a 2D engine. No Raycasting!0.8.x
fakecanvas[WIP] Convenient canvas emulation for unsupported hardware0.8.x
Lope2DA wrap over Love2D physics engine API. It makes dealing with the physics API easier and faster. It also has water pools simulation.0.8.0+Physics
newtonExport and load Box2D bodies made in PhysicsEditor0.8.0+Physics
Common Organization of Controls KitComprehensive input handling library0.8.0Input
JupiterTable serialisation and file I/O.0.8.0Serializing
Lovely TilesSuite of tools for loading/rendering tilemaps0.8.0
LövelyMoonEasily handle gamestates with this library!0.8.0State
text.luaPretty print texts0.8.0
babelA simple library for internationalisation.0.8String
GooGUI library for Love0.7.xGraphical User Interface
LoveUIGUI library for Love0.7.xGraphical User Interface
32 lines of goodness32 lines of goodness is a small OO library that uses a domain specific language to make a neat syntax so OO is easy.0.7.2Class
LoveAStarA* search, written in Lua, for use in LOVE.0.7.2AI
TLpathAdd A* pathfinding to games0.7.1AI
SLAMA friendly sound manager.0.7.0+Sound
Message in a BottleA message library for LOVE.0.7.0Graphical User Interface
TEsoundA sound manager that makes it easy to use sound and music0.7.0Sound
TEsound (Español)Un administrador de sonido que hace más fácil usar sonido y música0.7.0Sound
TLbindA simple system for creating professional control schemes0.7.0Input
PölygamyGame State, Keyboard and Timer helpers0.6.xFramework
SwingersA gesture library for LÖVE0.6.x
RotLoveThe Roguelike Toolkit for Love2D. Based on rot.js and libtcod.0.6.2+Framework
Adult LibRun LÖVE 0.5.0 code with LÖVE 0.6.x.0.6.2Compatibility
socketModule for HTTP, TCP, and UDP networking.0.5.0Networking
GspötGUI library for Love0.11.xGraphical User Interface
LUIGILovely User Interfaces for Game Inventors0.11.xGraphical User Interface
Löve FramesAn advanced GUI library for LÖVE0.11.xGraphical User Interface
Talkies.luaA messagebox system with multiple-choices, typing effect + sounds and more.0.11.xGraphical User Interface
Lovely Tactics HexFramework for creation of tactical RPGs.0.11.4+
love-nuklearLightweight immediate mode GUI for LÖVE games0.11.2Graphical User Interface
Easy GUI SystemEGS is a simple GUI system with events and multiple controls, without over-complicating things.0.10.xGraphical User Interface
LoverNetModule designed to make networking easier0.10.xNetworking
Möan.luaA messagebox system with multiple-choices and more (renamed to Talkies)0.10.xGraphical User Interface
SUITSimple User Interface Toolkit0.10.xGraphical User Interface
TactileA flexible and nice input library.0.10.xInput
fLUIdslove-imgui API wrap for simplicity0.10.xGraphical User Interface
love-imguiIMGUI module for LOVE0.10.xGraphical User Interface
svgloverLoad and display simple SVGs.0.10.xSVG
InputFieldText input handling library for LÖVE0.10.2+Input
ListBoxA dynamic ListBox for LÖVE 2D. Supports touches, mouses and keyboards0.10.2Graphical User Interface
LoveFSLÖVE FileSystem Access0.10.2Filesystem
LÖVE PhysicsEditor LoaderPhysicsEditor Objects Models Loader0.10.2Physics
ONETA Object Oriented Networking Library0.10.2Networking
Pseudo3DPseudo 3D figures for the löve framework website: 4040.10.23D
TLfresLets games run at any resolution, easily and without stretching0.10.2Resolution
ziplibA zipping library for löve0.10.2Compression
LynputLynput is a library that makes input handling very easy and intuitive0.10.0+Input
vuduExtensive in-engine debug interface with a console, variable browser, and more0.10.0+Debug
CTRLGeneral Input Library0.10.0Input
LilyLÖVE Async Loading Library0.10.0Threaded Resource Loading
yaouiUI Kit for LÖVE (no longer maintained)0.10.0Graphical User Interface
MiniFSMinimal but powerful filesystem module.0.10Filesystem

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