This library was written in Lua specifically for the LÖVE framework. love.maker is a library that can minify, compile and compress your project folder. If you choose to compile your Lua script files, the resulting .love file will only run on the exact same version of LÖVE or LuaJIT that was used when building. This library allows you to output .love files anywhere on your system using absolute paths.
love.maker = require("maker")
love.maker.setExtensions('lua', 'png', 'txt') -- include only the specified extensions
local build = love.maker.newBuild("C://path/to/project/folder/") -- create from source folder
build:ignore('/readme.txt') -- exclude a specific file
build:ignoreMatch('^/%.git') -- exclude based on pattern matching
build:allow('/images/exception.jpg') -- whitelist a specific file
build:save('C://path/to/output/', 'DEMO') -- build the .love project file
local comment = love.maker.getComment(dest)