File (Français)

Représente un fichier sur le système de fichier. Une fonction qui prend un chemin de fichier, peut également prendre un fichier.


love.filesystem.newFile Creates a new File object.


Ces fonctions ont des parenthèses à des places inhabituelles. C'est parce que le mot clé File: est réservé dans Mediawiki.

(File):close Closes a File.
(File):eof If the end-of-file has been reached Removed in 0.10.0
(File):flush Flushes any buffered written data in the file to disk. Added since 0.9.0
(File):getBuffer Gets the buffer mode of a file. Added since 0.9.0
(File):getFilename Gets the filename that the File object was created with. Added since 0.10.0
(File):getMode Gets the FileMode the file has been opened with. Added since 0.9.0
(File):getSize Returns the file size.
(File):isEOF Gets whether end-of-file has been reached. Added since 0.10.0
(File):isOpen Gets whether the file is open. Added since 0.9.0
(File):lines Iterate over all the lines in a file.
(File):open Open the file for write, read or append.
(File):read Read a number of bytes from a file
(File):seek Seek to a position in a file
(File):setBuffer Sets the buffer mode for a file opened for writing or appending. Added since 0.9.0
(File):tell Returns the position in the file.
(File):write Write data to a file.
Object:release Immediately destroys the object's Lua reference. Added since 11.0
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.


BufferMode Buffer modes for File objects. Added since 0.9.0
FileMode The different modes you can open a File in.


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