
Contains raw audio samples. You can not play SoundData back directly. You must wrap a Source object around it.


Decoder:decodeDecodes a chunk of audio data to a SoundData.
RecordingDevice:getDataGets all recorded audio SoundData stored in the device's internal ring buffer.
love.sound.newSoundDataCreates a new SoundData.


Data:cloneCreates a new copy of the Data object.
Data:getFFIPointerGets an FFI pointer to the Data.
Data:getPointerGets a pointer to the Data.
Data:getSizeGets the Data's size in bytes.
Data:getStringGets the full Data as a string.
Object:releaseImmediately destroys the object's Lua reference.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.
SoundData:getBitDepthReturns the number of bits per sample.
SoundData:getBitsReturns the number of bits per sample.
SoundData:getChannelCountReturns the number of channels in the SoundData.
SoundData:getChannelsReturns the number of channels in the stream.
SoundData:getDurationGets the duration of the sound data.
SoundData:getSampleGets the value of the samplepoint at the specified position.
SoundData:getSampleCountReturns the sample count of the SoundData.
SoundData:getSampleRateReturns the sample rate of the SoundData.
SoundData:setSampleSets the sample at the specified position.


See Also

Other Languages