love (Français)

C'est le module racine qui contient tous les autres modules. Le plus löve des modules...



Fonctions de Rappel

Config FilesGame configuration settings.
DataThe superclass of all data.
ObjectThe superclass of all LÖVE types.
VariantThe types supported by love.thread and love.event.
love.audioProvides of audio interface for playback/recording sound.
love.audiodisconnectedCalled when the active audio device is disconnected.
love.dataProvides functionality for creating and transforming data.
love.directorydroppedCallback function triggered when a directory is dragged and dropped onto the window.
love.displayrotatedCalled when the device display orientation changed.
love.drawCallback function used to draw on the screen every frame.
love.errhandThe error handler, used to display error messages.
love.errorhandlerThe error handler, used to display error messages.
love.eventManages events, like keypresses.
love.filedroppedCallback function triggered when a file is dragged and dropped onto the window.
love.filesystemProvides an interface to the user's filesystem.
love.focusCallback function triggered when window receives or loses focus.
love.fontAllows you to work with fonts.
love.gamepadaxisCalled when a Joystick's virtual gamepad axis is moved.
love.gamepadpressedCalled when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is pressed.
love.gamepadreleasedCalled when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is released.
love.getVersionGets the current running version of LÖVE.
love.graphicsDrawing of shapes and images, management of screen geometry.
love.hasDeprecationOutputGets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality.
love.imageProvides an interface to decode encoded image data.
love.isVersionCompatibleGets whether the given version is compatible with the current running version of LÖVE.
love.joystickProvides an interface to connected joysticks.
love.joystickaddedCalled when a Joystick is connected.
love.joystickaxisCalled when a joystick axis moves.
love.joystickhatCalled when a joystick hat direction changes.
love.joystickpressedCalled when a joystick button is pressed.
love.joystickreleasedCalled when a joystick button is released.
love.joystickremovedCalled when a Joystick is disconnected.
love.joysticksensorupdatedCalled when a Joystick's sensor is updated with new values.
love.keyboardProvides an interface to the user's keyboard.
love.keypressedCallback function triggered when a key is pressed.
love.keyreleasedCallback function triggered when a keyboard key is released.
love.loadThis function is called exactly once at the beginning of the game.
love.localechangedCallback function triggered when the user's system locale preferences have changed.
love.lowmemoryCallback function triggered when the system is running out of memory on mobile devices.
love.mathProvides system-independent mathematical functions.
love.mouseProvides an interface to the user's mouse.
love.mousefocusCallback function triggered when window receives or loses mouse focus.
love.mousemovedCallback function triggered when the mouse is moved.
love.mousepressedCallback function triggered when a mouse button is pressed.
love.mousereleasedCallback function triggered when a mouse button is released.
love.physicsCan simulate 2D rigid body physics in a realistic manner.
love.quitCallback function triggered when the game is closed.
love.resizeCalled when the window is resized.
love.runThe main callback function, containing the main loop. A sensible default is used when left out.
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