love (Türkçe)
LÖVE ile oyun yazmaya başlarken, arayüzün en önemli kısımları bildirim fonksiyonlarıdır:
- oyunu bir kez kurup başlatmak için love.load,
- kare başı oyunun halini belirlemek için love.update,
- ve oyun halini ekrana göstermek için love.draw.
Daha çok etkileşime ihtiyaç duyan oyunlar, yukarıdakiler dışında kullanıcı girdilerine cevap vermek gibi özellikler için ilave bildirimler de kullanacaktır.
LÖVE'de bildirimler ayarlanmadan önce yerlerine geçecek boş fonksiyonlar bulunur. Bu fonksiyonları bildirimin ismine sahip bir fonksiyon oluşturarak değiştirebilirsiniz:
-- Dikdörtgen için birkaç değer belirle.
function love.load()
x, y, en, boy = 20, 20, 60, 20
-- Karenin boyutlarını her kare artır.
function love.update(dt)
en = en + 1
boy = boy + 1
-- Renkli bir dikdörtgen çiz.
function love.draw()
-- 11.0'dan önceki sürümlerde rengin parçaları (0, 102, 102) şeklindedir, 0.4, 0.4)"fill", x, y, en, boy)
Modüller | Provides of audio interface for playback/recording sound. | || | Provides functionality for creating and transforming data. | 11.0 | |
love.event | Manages events, like keypresses. | 0.6.0 | |
love.filesystem | Provides an interface to the user's filesystem. | ||
love.font | Allows you to work with fonts. | 0.7.0 | | | Drawing of shapes and images, management of screen geometry. | ||
love.image | Provides an interface to decode encoded image data. | ||
love.joystick | Provides an interface to connected joysticks. | 0.5.0 | |
love.keyboard | Provides an interface to the user's keyboard. | ||
love.math | Provides system-independent mathematical functions. | 0.9.0 | |
love.mouse | Provides an interface to the user's mouse. | ||
love.physics | Can simulate 2D rigid body physics in a realistic manner. | 0.4.0 | |
love.sound | This module is responsible for decoding sound files. | ||
love.system | Provides access to information about the user's system. | 0.9.0 | |
love.thread | Allows you to work with threads. | 0.7.0 | |
love.timer | Provides high-resolution timing functionality. | ||
love.touch | Provides an interface to touch-screen presses. | 0.10.0 | | | This module is responsible for decoding and streaming video files. | 0.10.0 | |
love.window | Provides an interface for the program's window. | 0.9.0 |
Dış kaynaklı modüller
lua-enet | Multiplayer networking module for games. | 0.9.0 | |
socket | Module for HTTP, TCP, and UDP networking. | 0.5.0 | |
utf8 | Provides basic support for manipulating UTF-8 strings. | 0.9.2 |
love.getVersion | Gets the current running version of LÖVE. | 0.9.1 | |
love.hasDeprecationOutput | Gets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality. | 11.0 | |
love.isVersionCompatible | Gets whether the given version is compatible with the current running version of LÖVE. | 0.10.0 | |
love.setDeprecationOutput | Sets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality. | 11.0 |
Data | The superclass of all data. | ||
Object | The superclass of all LÖVE types. | ||
Variant | The types supported by love.thread and love.event. |
Bildirimlerin hepsi sadece ana thread'de çağırılır.
Config Files | Game configuration settings. | ||
love.draw | Callback function used to draw on the screen every frame. | ||
love.errhand | The error handler, used to display error messages. | 11.0 | |
love.errorhandler | The error handler, used to display error messages. | 11.0 | |
love.load | This function is called exactly once at the beginning of the game. | ||
love.lowmemory | Callback function triggered when the system is running out of memory on mobile devices. | 0.10.0 | |
love.quit | Callback function triggered when the game is closed. | 0.7.0 | | | The main callback function, containing the main loop. A sensible default is used when left out. | ||
love.threaderror | Callback function triggered when a Thread encounters an error. | 0.9.0 | |
love.update | Callback function used to update the state of the game every frame. |
love.directorydropped | Callback function triggered when a directory is dragged and dropped onto the window. | 0.10.0 | |
love.displayrotated | Called when the device display orientation changed. | 11.3 | |
love.filedropped | Callback function triggered when a file is dragged and dropped onto the window. | 0.10.0 | |
love.focus | Callback function triggered when window receives or loses focus. | 0.7.0 | |
love.mousefocus | Callback function triggered when window receives or loses mouse focus. | 0.9.0 | |
love.resize | Called when the window is resized. | 0.9.0 | |
love.visible | Callback function triggered when window is shown or hidden. | 0.9.0 |
love.keypressed | Callback function triggered when a key is pressed. | ||
love.keyreleased | Callback function triggered when a keyboard key is released. | ||
love.textedited | Called when the candidate text for an IME has changed. | 0.10.0 | |
love.textinput | Called when text has been entered by the user. | 0.9.0 |
love.mousemoved | Callback function triggered when the mouse is moved. | 0.9.2 | |
love.mousepressed | Callback function triggered when a mouse button is pressed. | ||
love.mousereleased | Callback function triggered when a mouse button is released. | ||
love.wheelmoved | Callback function triggered when the mouse wheel is moved. | 0.10.0 |
love.gamepadaxis | Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad axis is moved. | 0.9.0 | |
love.gamepadpressed | Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is pressed. | 0.9.0 | |
love.gamepadreleased | Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is released. | 0.9.0 | |
love.joystickadded | Called when a Joystick is connected. | 0.9.0 | |
love.joystickaxis | Called when a joystick axis moves. | 0.9.0 | |
love.joystickhat | Called when a joystick hat direction changes. | 0.9.0 | |
love.joystickpressed | Called when a joystick button is pressed. | ||
love.joystickreleased | Called when a joystick button is released. | ||
love.joystickremoved | Called when a Joystick is disconnected. | 0.9.0 |
love.touchmoved | Callback function triggered when a touch press moves inside the touch screen. | 0.10.0 | |
love.touchpressed | Callback function triggered when the touch screen is touched. | 0.10.0 | |
love.touchreleased | Callback function triggered when the touch screen stops being touched. | 0.10.0 |
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