
Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Sets the mipmap filter mode for an Image.

Mipmapping is useful when drawing an image at a reduced scale. It can improve performance and reduce aliasing issues.

In 0.10.0 and newer, the Image must be created with the mipmaps flag enabled for the mipmap filter to have any effect.

O.png In versions prior to 0.10.0 it's best to call this method directly after creating the image with love.graphics.newImage, to avoid bugs in certain graphics drivers.  

O.png Due to hardware restrictions and driver bugs, in versions prior to 0.10.0 images that weren't loaded from a CompressedData must have power-of-two dimensions (64x64, 512x256, etc.) to use mipmaps.  



Image:setMipmapFilter( filtermode, sharpness )


FilterMode filtermode
The filter mode to use in between mipmap levels. "nearest" will often give better performance.
number sharpness (0)
A positive sharpness value makes the image use a more detailed mipmap level when drawing, at the expense of performance. A negative value does the reverse.




On mobile devices (Android and iOS), the sharpness parameter is not supported and will do nothing. You can use a custom Shader instead, and specify the mipmap sharpness in the optional third parameter to the Texel function in the shader (a negative value makes the image use a more detailed mipmap level.)

In versions prior to 0.10.0, calling this function automatically creates mipmaps for the Image if none exist yet. If the image is compressed and its CompressedData has mipmap data included, it will use that.


Disables mipmap filtering.


Image:setMipmapFilter( )





See Also

Other Languages