Semantic search

Body:isSleepingGet the sleeping status of a body.
Body:isSleepingAllowedReturns the sleeping behaviour of the body.
Body:isStaticGet the static status of the body.
Body:isTouchingGets whether the Body is touching the given other Body.
Body:putToSleepPut the body to sleep.
Body:resetMassDataResets the mass of the body.
Body:setActiveSets whether the body is active in the world.
Body:setAllowSleepingSet the sleep behaviour of a body.
Body:setAngleSet the angle of the body.
Body:setAngularDampingSets the angular damping of a Body
Body:setAngularVelocitySets the angular velocity of a Body.
Body:setAwakeWakes the body up or puts it to sleep.
Body:setBulletSet the bullet status of a body.
Body:setFixedRotationSet whether a body has fixed rotation.
Body:setGravityScaleSets a new gravity scale factor for the body.
Body:setInertiaSet the inertia of a body.
Body:setLinearDampingSets the linear damping of a Body.
Body:setLinearVelocitySets a new linear velocity for the Body.
Body:setMassSets the mass properties directly.
Body:setMassDataOverrides the calculated mass data.
Body:setMassFromShapesSets mass properties from attatched shapes.
Body:setPositionSet the position of the body.
Body:setSleepingAllowedSets the sleeping behaviour of the body.
Body:setTransformSet the position and angle of the body.
Body:setTypeSets a new body type.
Body:setUserDataAssociates a Lua value with the Body.
Body:setXSet the x position of the body.
Body:setYSet the y position of the body.
Body:wakeUpWake up a sleeping body.
CircleShapeCircle extends Shape and adds a radius and a local position.
ContactContacts are objects created to manage collisions in worlds.
DataThe superclass of all data.
DecoderAn object which can gradually decode a sound file.
DistanceJointKeeps two bodies at the same distance.
DrawableSuperclass for all things that can be drawn on screen.
FileRepresents a file on the filesystem.
FileDataData representing the contents of a file.
FontDefines the shape of characters than can be drawn onto the screen.
FontDataA FontData represents a font.
FramebufferOff-screen render target.
GearJointKeeps bodies together in such a way that they act like gears.
GlyphDataA GlyphData represents a drawable symbol of a font.
ImageDrawable image type.
ImageDataRaw (decoded) image data.
JointAttach multiple bodies together to interact in unique ways.
MouseJointFor controlling objects with the mouse.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.
ParticleSystemUsed to create cool effects, like fire.
PolygonShapePolygon is a convex polygon with up to 8 sides.