
In LÖVE, audio is the domain of the love.audio module, which uses OpenAL for playback. love.audio has only one type of audio object - a Source. You can load audio and play it like so:

sound = love.audio.newSource("pling.wav", "static") -- the "static" tells LÖVE to load the file into memory, good for short sound effects
music = love.audio.newSource("techno.ogg") -- if "static" is omitted, LÖVE will stream the file from disk, good for longer music tracks


LÖVE supports a lot of audio formats, thanks to the love.sound module, which handles all the decoding. Supported formats include:

  • MP3
  • OGG
  • WAV
  • and just about every tracker format you can think of - XM, MIDI, MOD, and over twenty others.

Static vs. Streaming

Keep in mind that, if you pass love.audio.newSource "static" as a second argument, the sound file will be expanded into memory, so if you load a 5MB compressed .ogg file that way, it would consume ~50MB RAM when fully decompressed. Consider not using "static" in such cases.

If you omit the "static", the audio will be streamed from the file as it's played, something that saves a lot of memory when you're dealing with massive files.

Audio control

To pause, stop, change volume, looping, pitch, etc., simply call the relevant method of a Source.

src1 = love.audio.newSource("bang.wav", "static")
src2 = love.audio.newSource("bgm.mp3")

src1:setVolume(0.9) -- 90% of ordinary volume
src1:setPitch(0.5) -- one octave lower


Further details can be found in the Source documentation.

See Also

  • TEsound - A sound manager which makes it easier to use sound effects and music

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