
Available since LÖVE 0.7.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.

A Framebuffer is used for off-screen rendering. Think of it as an invisible screen that you can draw to, but that will not be visible until you draw it to the actual visible screen. It is also known as "render to texture".

Constructors a new Framebuffer.


Framebuffer:getImageDataGet stored ImageData.
Framebuffer:getWrapGets the wrapping properties of a Framebuffer.
Framebuffer:renderToRender to a framebuffer using a function.
Framebuffer:setWrapSets the wrapping properties of a Framebuffer.
Object:releaseImmediately destroys the object's Lua reference.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.


Drawable Object

See Also

Other Languages