Image (Русский)



Эти функции имеют скобки в странных местах. Это потому что Image - имя, зарезервированное в Mediawiki.

(Image):getDataGets the original ImageData or CompressedData used to create the Image.
(Image):getFlagsGets the flags used when the image was created.
(Image):isCompressedGets whether the Image was created from CompressedData.
(Image):isFormatLinearGets whether the Image was created with a the linear (non-gamma corrected) flag set to true.
(Image):refreshReloads the Image's contents from the ImageData or CompressedData used to create the image.
(Image):replacePixelsReplace the contents of an Image.
CanvasOff-screen render target.
Canvas (Nederlands)Off-screen render target.
FramebufferOff-screen render target.
ImageDrawable image type.
MeshA 2D polygon mesh used for drawing arbitrary textured shapes.
ParticleSystemUsed to create cool effects, like fire.
SpriteBatchStore image positions in a buffer, and draw it in one call.
SpriteBatch (Français)Stock des positions d'image dans un tampon, puis les trace en un seul appel.
TextDrawable text.
TextBatchOne or more precalculated strings of text stored in a Drawable object.
TextureSuperclass for drawable objects which represent a texture.
VideoA drawable video.

Базовый тип


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