Source (Українська)

Джерело представляє аудіо, яке можна відтворити. З джерелами можна робити цікаві речі, як-от установлювати гучність, висоту звуку та його положення відносно слухача. Зауважте, що позиційне аудіо працює лише для моно (тобто нестерео) джерел.

Джерело є внутрішнім посиланням, поки воно відтворюється.

Елементи керування джерелом (відтворення/пауза/зупинка) діють відповідно до наведеної нижче таблиці станів.

Відтворення Пауза
play() Без змін Відтворення
stop() Пауза + Перемотати назад Перемотати назад
pause() Пауза Без змін

І для любителів блок-схем (примітка: пропущені виклики не мають ефекту, зупинка завжди перемотує назад).


Конструктори Creates a new Source usable for real-time generated sound playback with Source:queue. Added since 11.0 Creates a new Source from a file, SoundData, or Decoder.


Object:release Immediately destroys the object's Lua reference. Added since 11.0
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.
Source:clone Creates an identical copy of the Source in the stopped state. Added since 0.9.1
Source:getActiveEffects Gets a list of the Source's active effect names. Added since 11.0
Source:getAirAbsorption Gets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source. Added since 11.2
Source:getAttenuationDistances Gets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source. Added since 0.9.0
Source:getChannelCount Gets the number of channels in the Source. Added since 11.0
Source:getChannels Gets the number of channels in the Source. Added since 0.9.0
Source:getCone Gets the Source's directional volume cones. Added since 0.9.0
Source:getDirection Gets the direction of the Source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:getDistance Returns the reference and maximum distance of the source. Added since 0.8.0 Removed in 0.9.0
Source:getDuration Gets the duration of the Source. Added since 0.10.0
Source:getEffect Retrieve filter settings associated to a specific effect. Added since 11.0
Source:getFilter Gets the filter settings currently applied to the Source. Added since 11.0
Source:getFreeBufferCount Gets the number of free buffer slots of a queueable Source. Added since 11.0
Source:getPitch Gets the current pitch of the Source.
Source:getPosition Gets the position of the Source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:getRolloff Returns the rolloff factor of the source. Added since 0.8.0
Source:getType Gets the type of the Source. Added since 0.10.0
Source:getVelocity Gets the velocity of the Source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:getVolume Gets the current volume of the Source.
Source:getVolumeLimits Returns the volume limits of the source. Added since 0.8.0
Source:isLooping Returns whether the Source will loop.
Source:isPaused Returns whether the Source is paused. Added since 0.7.1 Removed in 11.0
Source:isPlaying Returns whether the Source is playing. Added since 0.9.0
Source:isRelative Gets whether the Source's position and direction are relative to the listener. Added since 0.9.0
Source:isStatic Returns whether the Source is static. Added since 0.7.0 Removed in 0.10.0
Source:isStopped Returns whether the Source is stopped. Removed in 11.0
Source:pause Pauses a source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:play Plays a source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:queue Queues SoundData for playback in a queueable Source. Added since 11.0
Source:resume Resumes a paused source. Added since 0.7.0 Removed in 11.0
Source:rewind Rewinds a source. Added since 0.7.0 Removed in 11.0
Source:seek Sets the currently playing position of the Source. Added since 0.8.0
Source:setAirAbsorption Sets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source. Added since 11.2
Source:setAttenuationDistances Sets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source. Added since 0.9.0
Source:setCone Sets the Source's directional volume cones. Added since 0.9.0
Source:setDirection Sets the direction of the Source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:setDistance Sets the reference and maximum distance of the source. Added since 0.8.0 Removed in 0.9.0
Source:setEffect Applies an audio effect to the Source. Added since 11.0
Source:setFilter Sets a low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass filter to apply when playing the Source. Added since 11.0
Source:setLooping Sets whether the Source should loop.
Source:setPitch Sets the pitch of the Source.
Source:setPosition Sets the position of the Source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:setRelative Sets whether the Source's position and direction are relative to the listener. Added since 0.9.0
Source:setRolloff Sets the rolloff factor. Added since 0.8.0
Source:setVelocity Sets the velocity of the Source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:setVolume Sets the current volume of the Source.
Source:setVolumeLimits Sets the volume limits of the source. Added since 0.8.0
Source:stop Stops a source. Added since 0.7.0
Source:tell Gets the currently playing position of the Source. Added since 0.8.0


FilterType Types of filters for Sources. Added since 11.0
SourceType Types of audio sources.


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