
Available since LÖVE 12.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Mounts a full platform-dependent path to a zip file or folder for reading or writing in love.filesystem.



success = love.filesystem.mountFullPath( archive, mountpoint, permission, appendToPath )


string archive
The full platform-dependent path to a folder or zip file to mount.
string mountpoint
The new path in love.filesystem the archive will be mounted to.
MountPermissions permission
The requested permissions for operating on files and folders in this path after mounting ("read", or "readwrite").
boolean appendToPath (false)
Whether the archive will be searched when reading a filepath before or after already-mounted archives. This includes the game's source and save directories.


boolean success
True if the archive was successfully mounted with the given path and permissions, false otherwise.


Most operating systems allow apps to read from more locations than they're allowed to write to. Therefore, this API will succeed in more situations when the "read" mount permission is used compared to "readwrite".

See Also

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