GlyphData (Français)

Disponible depuis LÖVE 0.7.0
Ce-tte type n'est pas supporté-e par des versions plus anciennes.

Un GlyphData (données de glyphe) représente un symbole traçable par un traceur de fontes.


Rasterizer:getGlyphData (Français) Retourne les données d'un glyphe de la fonte. Added since 0.7.0
love.font.newGlyphData (Français) Crée un nouvel objet GlyphData.


Data:clone Creates a new copy of the Data object. Added since 11.0
Data:getFFIPointer Gets an FFI pointer to the Data. Added since 11.3
Data:getPointer Gets a pointer to the Data.
Data:getSize Gets the Data's size in bytes.
Data:getString Gets the full Data as a string. Added since 0.9.0
GlyphData:getAdvance Gets glyph advance. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getBearing Gets glyph bearing. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getBoundingBox Gets glyph bounding box. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getDimensions Gets glyph dimensions. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getFormat Gets glyph pixel format. Added since 11.0
GlyphData:getGlyph Gets glyph number. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getGlyphString Gets glyph string. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getHeight Gets glyph height. Added since 0.7.0
GlyphData:getWidth Gets glyph width. Added since 0.7.0
Object:release Immediately destroys the object's Lua reference. Added since 11.0
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.


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