
Available since LÖVE 0.11.0
This function replaces love.filesystem.exists, isFile, isDirectory, isSymlink, getLastModified, and getSize.

Gets information about the specified file or directory.



info = love.filesystem.getInfo( path )


string path
The file or directory path to check.


table info (nil)
A table containing information about the specified path, or nil if nothing exists at the path. The table contains the following fields:
FileType type
The type of the object at the path (file, directory, symlink, etc.)
number size (nil)
The size in bytes of the file, or nil if it can't be determined.
number modtime (nil)
The file's last modification time in seconds since the unix epoch, or nil if it can't be determined.


This variant accepts an existing table to fill in, instead of creating a new one.


info = love.filesystem.getInfo( path, info )


string path
The file or directory path to check.
table info
A table which will be filled in with info about the specified path.


table info (nil)
The table given as an argument, or nil if nothing exists at the path. The table will be filled in with the following fields:
FileType type
The type of the object at the path (file, directory, symlink, etc.)
number size (nil)
The size in bytes of the file, or nil if it can't be determined.
number modtime (nil)
The file's last modification time in seconds since the unix epoch, or nil if it can't be determined.

See Also

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