
Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Creates a new hardware Cursor object.

Hardware cursors are framerate-independent and work the same way as normal operating system cursors. Unlike drawing an image at the mouse's current coordinates, hardware cursors never have visible lag between when the mouse is moved and when the cursor position updates, even at low framerates.

O.png This function can be slow if it is called repeatedly, such as from love.update or love.draw. If you need to use a specific resource often, create it once and store it somewhere it can be reused!  



cursor = love.mouse.newCursor( imageData, hotx, hoty )


ImageData imageData
The ImageData to use as a custom image for the new Cursor.
number hotx (0)
The x-coordinate in the ImageData of the cursor's hot spot.
number hoty (0)
The y-coordinate in the ImageData of the cursor's hot spot.


Cursor cursor
The new Cursor object.


The hot spot is the point the operating system uses to determine what was clicked and at what position the mouse cursor is. For example, the normal arrow pointer normally has its hot spot at the top left of the image, but a crosshair cursor might have it in the middle.



cursor = love.mouse.newCursor( ctype )


CursorType ctype
The type of cursor to create.


Cursor cursor
The new Cursor object.


The "image" CursorType is not a valid argument. Use the other variant of this function to create a hardware cursor using a custom image.

See Also

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