Difference between revisions of "enet.host:broadcast"

m (Arguments: carbon copied my better explanation over from peer:send for consistency's sake.)
m (fixed i18n.)
Line 17: Line 17:
* [[enet.peer]]
* [[enet.peer]]
== Other Languages ==
== Other Languages ==

Revision as of 03:11, 1 November 2016

Queues a packet to be sent to all connected peers.



host:broadcast(data, channel, flag)


string data
The data to send.
number channel
The channel to send the packet on. Defaults to 0.
string flag
flag is one of "reliable", "unsequenced", or "unreliable". Reliable packets are guaranteed to arrive, and arrive in the order in which they are sent. Unreliable packets arrive in the order in which they are sent, but they aren't guaranteed to arrive. Unsequenced packets are neither guaranteed to arrive, nor do they have any guarantee on the order they arrive. Optional. Defaults to reliable.



See Also

Other Languages