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Available since LÖVE 0.11.0
This function is not supported in earlier versions.

Unpacks (deserializes) a byte-string or Data into simple Lua values.

This function behaves the same as Lua 5.3's string.unpack.



v1, ..., index = love.data.unpack( format, datastring, pos )


string format
A string determining how the values were packed. Follows the rules of Lua 5.3's string.pack format strings.
string datastring
A string containing the packed (serialized) data.
number pos (1)
Where to start reading in the string. Negative values can be used to read relative from the end of the string.


value v1
The first value (number, boolean, or string) that was unpacked.
value ...
Additional unpacked values.
number index
The index of the first unread byte in the data string.



v1, ..., index = love.data.unpack( format, data, pos )


string format
A string determining how the values were packed. Follows the rules of Lua 5.3's string.pack format strings.
Data data
A Data object containing the packed (serialized) data.
number pos (1)
1-based index indicating where to start reading in the Data. Negative values can be used to read relative from the end of the Data object.


value v1
The first value (number, boolean, or string) that was unpacked.
value ...
Additional unpacked values.
number index
The 1-based index of the first unread byte in the Data.


Unpacking integers with values greater than 2^52 is not supported, as Lua 5.1 cannot represent those values in its number type.

See Also

Other Languages