Font (Tiếng Việt)

Định nghĩa hình dáng của những kí tự có thể vẽ được lên màn hình. Defines the shape of characters than can be drawn onto the screen.

Constructor a new Font from a TrueType Font or BMFont file. a new Font by loading a specifically formatted image.


Font:getAscentGets the ascent of the Font in pixels.
Font:getBaselineGets the baseline of the Font in pixels.
Font:getDPIScaleGets the DPI scale factor of the Font.
Font:getDescentGets the descent of the Font in pixels.
Font:getFilterGets the filter mode for a font.
Font:getHeightGets the height of the Font in pixels.
Font:getKerningGets the kerning between two characters in the Font.
Font:getLineHeightGets the line height.
Font:getWidthDetermines the width of the given text.
Font:getWrapGets formatting information for text, given a wrap limit.
Font:hasGlyphsGets whether the Font can render a character or string.
Font:setFallbacksSets other Fonts to use if this Font doesn't have a specific character.
Font:setFilterSets the filter mode for a font.
Font:setLineHeightSets the line height.
Object:releaseImmediately destroys the object's Lua reference.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.

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