Talk:Main Page

This needs links to Games and Libraries, at the very least.

Yeah, I guess so. --Rude 22:42, 16 February 2010 (UTC)

I would like "Tutorials" to be "Tutorials and Examples" --Technocat

Suggesting more links

I'd linkify the first LÖVE in the page, and also add a link to the forum and another to the HG tree.


Do we want to fill out LOVE:About or not? Because it is linked to from the bottom of every page. --Robin-gvx 09:45, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

If it's on every page... we can't say no, can we? --Bartbes 10:00, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

So... who will do that? --Robin-gvx 10:03, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

Requesting a deletion

Is there a good way to suggest a page to be deleted. I would suggest this:

The reason is that the function does not exist in the Lua binding by that name, but is called DistanceJoint:setDamping instead. You can verify this from the source code. You should see that only the C++ side calls it by the longer name. -- Pekka

The Tutorials link

It needs more Category: in front of it — like the Games and Libraries links have. --Robin-gvx 20:35, 26 March 2010 (UTC)

a new hello world

After the hello world, the next should be included, so that actually running is introduced as well!

"Save this as "main.lua" and then either run love . or put the main.lua in a zip file's root ("" not "") and rename it to have a ".love" ending, then drag and drop it on the LOVE executable." -- qubodup forgot to sign

You think? I'd say it would clutter the main page a bit. Perhaps a better way would be to link to a tutorial that includes this information (i.e. “See TutorialX on how to run this” or something) --Robin-gvx 00:40, 8 July 2010 (UTC)
I agree that it would clutter the main page, but it would help reduce the ".love/dir/" perma-problems. And tell noobs how to run it. A hello world is useless without knowing how to run it.. :) --Qubodup 16:48, 8 July 2010 (UTC)

I think this information definitely needs to be with the article. Hello World is probably the first program anyone is going to write, so they need hand holding to get this to run. If this is considered too much clutter, we could always move the page to a tutorial section, and put a link to this from the front page.

Markhobley 23:01, 2 March 2011 (GMT)

Link to PO2 Syndrome

I think the main page needs a link to PO2 Syndrome, with a notice:

Do you or someone else playing your game see white rectangles instead of images? The solution is here.

Or something. --Robin-gvx 07:37, 4 September 2010 (UTC)

Links to the demo programs for the tutorials

I notice that the tutorials here talk about downloading the demo program for the tutorial, but there does not appear to be any links to the demo programs anywhere. Ideally we should link the "download the demo" text to the files. Is there a repository for these? I am not sure which demo programs they are referring to. There are some examples shipped with the love engine, but these are not named in such a way as to match the tutorial texts here.

Markhobley 23:17, 2 March 2011 (GMT)


Just wondering if I can make an iPhone game with LOVE?

Löve Logo Graphics

Can Löve Logo Graphics be added in "interesting places"? I can't think of anywhere else it should go.

(I created that page because it seemed like those graphics should be a lot easier to find; the thread wasn't stickied or anything!)

Nkorth 23:45, 18 September 2011 (BST)

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