
CData Object


CData Properties

Properties present in this table are properties currently planned for implementation. Not all W3C DOM Properties will be implemented.

Property Description Implemented
data Sets or returns the text of this node Yes
length Returns the length of the CDATA section No

CData Methods

Methods present in this table are methods currently planned for implementation. Not all W3C DOM methods will be implemented.

Method Description Implemented
appendData() Appends data to the node Yes
deleteData() Deletes data from the node No
insertData() Inserts data into the node No
replaceData() Replaces data in the node No
splitText() Splits the CDATA node into two nodes No
substringData() Extracts data from the node No

CData Inherited Properties

This Object inherits the following properties from DOM Node


CData Inherited Methods

This Object does not inherit Methods from any base Object