Professional controls
Nearly all professional computer games since the nineties have offered configurable controls in a similar way: Two sets of keys and a joystick, all interchangeable, and an option to disable the joystick. It's pretty straightforward to add this scheme to your own games in Love2D, and will help your game look better.
This article will assume your game needs controls for a single player moving horizontally and vertically, and buttons for jump, attack, and pause menu. The joystick bindings will be made for a standard Xbox controller (left stick for movement, A to jump, B to attack, and > (Start) to go to the menu). Changing the bindings and available controls is quite simple, as is discussed below.
Adding it to your game
Here's the code you'll need. It would be best to put this under love.load.
-- Use the first joystick
control = {
keys = { up="w", left="a", down="s", right="d", jump=" ", attack="lctrl", menu="escape" },
keys2 = { up="up", left="left", down="down", right="right", jump="z", attack="rctrl", menu="escape" },
joyaxes = { horiz=0, vert=1 }, -- Defaults for Xbox controller
joybtns = { jump=0, attack=1, menu=7 },
update = function() -- Call this in love.update()
-- Reset controls
control.horiz, control.vert, control.jump, control.attack, = 0, 0, false, false, false
-- Check both key sets
local function checkKeys(keys)
for k,v in pairs(keys) do
if k == "up" then control.vert = control.vert + (love.keyboard.isDown(v) and -1 or 0)
elseif k == "left" then control.horiz = control.horiz + (love.keyboard.isDown(v) and -1 or 0)
elseif k == "down" then control.vert = control.vert + (love.keyboard.isDown(v) and 1 or 0)
elseif k == "right" then control.horiz = control.horiz + (love.keyboard.isDown(v) and 1 or 0)
else control[k] = control[k] or love.keyboard.isDown(v)
end checkKeys(control.keys) checkKeys(control.keys2)
-- Check joystick if it's enabled
if options.useJoystick then -- Replace "options.useJoystick" with whatever variable you want to use
control.horiz = control.horiz + love.joystick.getAxis(0, control.joyaxes.horiz)
control.vert = control.vert + love.joystick.getAxis(0, control.joyaxes.vert)
for k,v in pairs(control.joybtns) do control[k] = control[k] or love.joystick.isDown(0, v) end
local deadzone = .1 -- Deadzone prevents control creep
if control.horiz<deadzone and control.horiz>deadzone*-1 then control.horiz = 0 end
if control.vert<deadzone and control.vert>deadzone*-1 then control.vert = 0 end
control.horiz, control.vert = math.min(math.max(-1, control.horiz), 1), math.min(math.max(-1, control.vert), 1)
Now, in love.update, simply add the line control.update()
Usage and customization
Checking if a control is pressed
In this scheme, each control will be updated as control.[control name]. For example, in the code above, control.jump would be true if space, Z, and/or the joystick's A button is pressed, or false otherwise. Here's a demonstration:
if then openPauseMenu() end
if control.jump and not control.attack then player.doNormalJump() end
Directions are handled as control.horiz (left and right) and control.vert (up and down), which both are decimals between -1 and 1. If no movement keys are pressed and the joystick is centered, horiz and vert will be 0. Left and up are negative numbers, while right and down are positive. So in its simplest form, one could use:
local speed = 20 -- Player moves at 20 pixels per second
player.x = player.x + control.horiz * speed * dt
player.y = player.y + control.vert * speed * dt
Changing bindings
This is very simple. For key bindings, simply change the keyconstant for the control. For joystick buttons and axes, change the number of the control. Examples:
control.keys.attack = "q"
control.joybtns.jump = 3
Adding controls
Of course, your game may not have only jump and attack controls, so you'll need to add your own. To do this, change your bindings, like this:
keys = { up="w", left="a", down="s", right="d", menu="escape", inventory="i", useItem="return" },
keys2 = { up="up", left="left", down="down", right="right", menu="escape", inventory="tab", useItem="e" },
joyaxes = { horiz=0, vert=1 }, -- Defaults for Xbox controller
joybtns = { menu=7, inventory=3, useItem=2 },
And change the first line of the control.update() function appropriately:
control.horiz, control.vert, control.inventory, control.useItem = 0, 0, false, false
Now, control.[control name] will be updated appropriately. Following this example, one could check for control.inventory and control.useItem being pressed.
Xbox controllers
Microsoft has decided that Xbox controllers are the official gamepad for Windows, and as such, are the most common controller a player may have. Therefore, it's advisable to tailor your game's controls to work with them.
One important caveat about Xbox controllers: Both of their triggers (L2 and R2 for those of you more familiar with Playstations) are treated as ONE axis, rather than two buttons!