Building LÖVE

Note: This page is still incomplete.

If you want to build the LÖVE source code yourself, this page has all the information you need.



You'll need Mercurial to download the latest sources, along with the LÖVE dependencies.


sudo apt-get install mercurial build-essential automake libmpg123-dev libmodplug-dev libphysfs-dev libfreetype6-dev libdevil-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libopenal-dev libsdl1.2-dev libvorbis-dev

Older versions of Ubuntu need the latest libmodplug1 and libmodplug-dev packages.

Arch Linux

pacman -S mercurial
pacman -S devil flac freetype2 glibc libmodplug libvorbis lua mesa mpg123 openal physfs sdl # 0.6.x
pacman -S devil freetype2 libmodplug libvorbis lua mpg123 openal physfs # 0.7.x


yum install mercurial flac-devel freetype-devel glibc-devel libmpg123-devel libmodplug-devel physfs-devel mesa-libGL-devel openal-soft-devel DevIL-devel libvorbis-devel SDL-devel libmng-devel libtiff-devel

Debian Squeeze

Install the following packages (using aptitude or apt):

aptitude install mercurial automake libtool libphysfs-dev libsdl-dev libopenal-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libdevil-dev libmodplug-dev  libmpg123-dev  libvorbis-dev

Afterwards, just get the source code and build it like it is mentioned below. It's e-a-s-y! :)

Other distributions

todo: add stuff here!

Getting the sources

The next step is downloading the LÖVE source code. Open a terminal and go to the directory that you want to download the source code folder to. Next, use the following commands:

hg clone && cd love
# if you want to use the source code of a specific version, issue one of the following commands:
# todo: add stuff here!


sh platform/unix/automagic

Your LÖVE binary will end up in the src directory.