Talk:Main Page

This needs links to Games and Libraries, at the very least.

Yeah, I guess so. --Rude 22:42, 16 February 2010 (UTC)

I would like "Tutorials" to be "Tutorials and Examples" --Technocat

Suggesting more links

I'd linkify the first LÖVE in the page, and also add a link to the forum and another to the HG tree.


Do we want to fill out LOVE:About or not? Because it is linked to from the bottom of every page. --Robin-gvx 09:45, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

If it's on every page... we can't say no, can we? --Bartbes 10:00, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

So... who will do that? --Robin-gvx 10:03, 20 February 2010 (UTC)

Requesting a deletion

Is there a good way to suggest a page to be deleted. I would suggest this:

The reason is that the function does not exist in the Lua binding by that name, but is called DistanceJoint:setDamping instead. You can verify this from the source code. You should see that only the C++ side calls it by the longer name. -- Pekka

The Tutorials link

It needs more Category: in front of it — like the Games and Libraries links have. --Robin-gvx 20:35, 26 March 2010 (UTC)

a new hello world

After the hello world, the next should be included, so that actually running is introduced as well!

"Save this as "main.lua" and then either run love . or put the main.lua in a zip file's root ("" not "") and rename it to have a ".love" ending, then drag and drop it on the LOVE executable." -- qubodup forgot to sign

You think? I'd say it would clutter the main page a bit. Perhaps a better way would be to link to a tutorial that includes this information (i.e. “See TutorialX on how to run this” or something) --Robin-gvx 00:40, 8 July 2010 (UTC)
I agree that it would clutter the main page, but it would help reduce the ".love/dir/" perma-problems. And tell noobs how to run it. A hello world is useless without knowing how to run it.. :) --Qubodup 16:48, 8 July 2010 (UTC)

Link to PO2 Syndrome

I think the main page needs a link to PO2 Syndrome, with a notice:

Do you or someone else playing your game see white rectangles instead of images? The solution is here.

Or something. --Robin-gvx 07:37, 4 September 2010 (UTC)


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