Camera shake ahoy!

--Meevere (talk) 20:47, 5 March 2023 (CET) Does this article provide misleading information, or am I stupid..

This article says that if I make `translate(dx,dy)` then when I call draw(x,y), I would effectively get draw(x+dx,y+dy) Then, if I would like to scale something around a point, I would use this piece of code:

function scale_around(origin, scale)[1],-origin[2]) -- Because if I would call something at the origin I would like to stay it still[1], origin[2])

But it only works if I swap the signs for origin. Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Sorry for late reply, but wiki talk pages aren’t checked as frequently as forums, so please post questions to forum.

Scale scales from 0, 0, so you have to translate your screen, so that your point is at 0, 0, that’s why you have to swap signs in your code. Also, when you are reversing transform, you may need to multiply it by inverse scale, because coordinate system dimensions are also scaled. --Andlac028 (talk) 12:08, 10 March 2023 (UTC)