enet.host (Français)


Un hôte ENet poru communiquer avec des pairs. À sa création, il écoutera sur un port et à une adresse, à moins qu'ils ne soient spécifiés, qui évitera aux autres applications d'utiliser les mêmes ports et adresse.

Il est possible de libérer le port en appelant son destructeur ; Mettre l'objet host (hôte) à nil (nul) et appeler collectgarbage() devrait également fonctionner, puisque :destroy appelle host:__gc en interne, mais la procédure qui suit est plus propre :

local host = enet.host_create("*:6789")


Function Description
host:service Wait for events, send and receive any ready packets.
host:check_events Checks for any queued events and dispatches one if available.
host:compress_with_range_coder Toggles an adaptive order-2 PPM range coder for the transmitted data of all peers.
host:connect Connects a host to a remote host. Returns peer object associated with remote host.
host:flush Sends any queued packets.
host:broadcast Queues a packet to be sent to all connected peers.
host:channel_limit Sets the maximum number of channels allowed.
host:bandwidth_limit Sets the bandwidth limits of the host in bytes/sec.
host:get_socket_address Returns a string that describes the socket address of the given host.
host:socket_get_address Deprecated version of host:get_socket_address.
host:destroy Destroys the host, freeing any bound ports and addresses. Alias for the host:__gc method.
host:total_sent_data Returns the number of bytes that were sent through the given host.
host:total_received_data Returns the number of bytes that were received by the given host.
host:service_time Returns the timestamp of the last call to host:service() or host:flush().
host:peer_count Returns the number of peers that are allocated for the given host.
host:get_peer Returns the connected peer at the specified index (starting at 1).
host:__gc Destroys the host, freeing any bound ports and addresses.

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