Pölygamy is a set of libraries design to simplify the organization of a LÖVE game.
Currently, a state and a keyboard lib are available, and a timer lib is in the works.
- allows to bind keys to callbacks in a declarative fashion,
- supports multiple, switchable configurations
- supports configuration (single) inheritance.
- supports useful ranges ([f-j] is expanded to f, g, h, j) and other patterns inspired by the Lua patterns library.
- allows to treat the keyboard as a key matrix (full support for US qwerty keyboards only at the moment, but the common subset of qwerty, azerty and qwertz can be used iniversally (sorry, dvorak users))
- is freindly with both imperative and OO coding styles.
- allows to design each game state as if it were a full LÖVE app (custom update and draw callbacks),
- supports state transitions (through before( from, to, ... ) and after( from, to, ... ) callbacks)
See | this forum post for the latest version and the (extensive) documentation.
Here's an Dummy app written with Pölygamy:
love.filesystem.load("library/Polygamy/init.lua")("library/Polygamy/") -- must be outside the load callback.
-- since it creates a custom love.run loop
local state, goto, pkeyboard = Polygamy.state, Polygamy.state.goto, Polygamy.keyboard -- for convenience
-- load your ressources, initialize your code... then :
title = state( "Title Screen" )
function title.before() pkeyboard.use( "title" ); print"menu" end
function title.update(dt) --[[ your title update callback ]] end
function title.draw() --[[ draw your fine title here ]] end
pkeyboard( "title" ):setConfig( "pressed", {
[{" ", "return"}] = function() goto("In Game") end,
escape = function() love.event.push('q') end,
[Polygamy.default] = print
ingame = state( "In Game" )
function ingame.before( from, to, ... )
if from == "Title Screen" then --[[Game.state.reset()]] end
pkeyboard.use( to ) -- selfhandle == "In game" in this case
print "In Game"
function ingame.update( dt ) --[[ instill life in your game world ]] end
function ingame.draw() --[[ and render it in its full glory ]] end
function ingame.after( from, to, ... )
if to == "Pause Screen" then
-- dim the screen, take a screenshot
pkeyboard("In Game"):setConfig("pressed", {
[" %arrows "] = { held = function(key,_,_,dt) Hero:move(key,dt); end },
[" "] = function() Hero:shoot() end,
escape = function() goto( "Title Screen" ) end,
p = function() goto( "Pause Screen" ) end
pauseState = state( "Pause Screen" )
function pauseState.before() pkeyboard.use( "pause" ); print"Pause" end
function pauseState.update(dt) end -- if you don't define it, the previous callback remains active.
function pauseState.draw() --[[ display "Paused" on top of the screenshot.]] end
pkeyboard( "pause" ):setConfig( "pressed", {
escape = function() goto( "Title Screen" ) end,
p = function() goto( "In Game" ) end
-- then get the ball rolling :-)
function love.load()
goto("Title Screen")