SUIT - The Simple User Interface Toolkit for LÖVE
Make games, not GUIs!
SUIT gives you:
- Buttons
- Image Buttons
- Labels
- Text input boxes
- Checkboxes
- Cake
- Sliders
- Layouts
- Themes
- World Peace!
Well, at least eight of those things.
Here is some Code:
suit = require 'suit' local input = {text = ""} function love.update(dt) suit.layout.reset(100,100) suit.Input(input, suit.layout.row(200,30)) suit.Label("Hello, "..input.text, {align = "left"}, suit.layout.row()) suit.layout.row() -- padding of one cell if suit.Button("Close", suit.layout.row()).hit then love.event.quit() end end function love.draw() suit.core.draw() end function love.textinput(t) suit.core.textinput(t) end function love.keypressed(key) suit.core.keypressed(key) end
Documentation at readthedocs:
Code at github:
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