

Source:cloneCreates an identical copy of the Source in the stopped state.
Source:getActiveEffectsGets a list of the Source's active effect names.
Source:getAirAbsorptionGets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source.
Source:getAttenuationDistancesGets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source.
Source:getChannelCountGets the number of channels in the Source.
Source:getChannelsGets the number of channels in the Source.
Source:getConeGets the Source's directional volume cones.
Source:getDirectionGets the direction of the Source.
Source:getDistanceReturns the reference and maximum distance of the source.
Source:getDurationGets the duration of the Source.
Source:getEffectRetrieve filter settings associated to a specific effect.
Source:getFilterGets the filter settings currently applied to the Source.
Source:getFreeBufferCountGets the number of free buffer slots of a queueable Source.
Source:getPitchGets the current pitch of the Source.
Source:getPositionGets the position of the Source.
Source:getRolloffReturns the rolloff factor of the source.
Source:getTypeGets the type of the Source.
Source:getVelocityGets the velocity of the Source.
Source:getVolumeGets the current volume of the Source.
Source:getVolumeLimitsReturns the volume limits of the source.
Source:isLoopingReturns whether the Source will loop.
Source:isPausedReturns whether the Source is paused.
Source:isPlayingReturns whether the Source is playing.
Source:isRelativeGets whether the Source's position and direction are relative to the listener.
Source:isStaticReturns whether the Source is static.
Source:isStoppedReturns whether the Source is stopped.
Source:pausePauses a source.
Source:playPlays a source.
Source:queueQueues SoundData for playback in a queueable Source.
Source:resumeResumes a paused source.
Source:rewindRewinds a source.
Source:seekSets the currently playing position of the Source.
Source:setAirAbsorptionSets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source.
Source:setAttenuationDistancesSets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source.
Source:setConeSets the Source's directional volume cones.
Source:setDirectionSets the direction of the Source.
Source:setDistanceSets the reference and maximum distance of the source.
Source:setEffectApplies an audio effect to the Source.
Source:setFilterSets a low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass filter to apply when playing the Source.
Source:setLoopingSets whether the Source should loop.
Source:setPitchSets the pitch of the Source.
Source:setPositionSets the position of the Source.
Source:setRelativeSets whether the Source's position and direction are relative to the listener.
Source:setRolloffSets the rolloff factor.
Source:setVelocitySets the velocity of the Source.
Source:setVolumeSets the current volume of the Source.
Source:setVolumeLimitsSets the volume limits of the source.
Source:stopStops a source.
Source:tellGets the currently playing position of the Source.

See Also