Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.

Running love projects from Sublime Text 2

On Windows

Create a new Build System first: Tools -> Build System -> New Build System

Then paste the following code:

    "selector": "source.lua",
    "cmd": ["love", "$file_path"],
    "shell": true

Now you can use CTRL + B to run your love project.

On Mac

Create a new Build System first: Tools -> Build System -> New Build System

Then paste in the following code:

    "selector": "source.lua",
    "cmd": ["/Applications/", "$file_path"]

(This is assuming that your is in the Applications folder)

Now you can use CMD + B to run your love project.

Displaying live console output in Sublime Text 2

By default the console in Sublime Text will not display any output, such as print() calls, until the LOVE application has been closed.

To make the console output display live add the following code to the top of your main.lua file, or inside conf.lua:


See also