Difference between revisions of "RevoluteJoint"

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== Functions ==
== Functions ==
{{#ask: [[Category:Functions]] [[parent::RevoluteJoint]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Functions]] [[parent::RevoluteJoint]] OR [[Category:Functions]] [[parent::Joint]]
| headers=hide
| ?Description
{{#ask: [[Category:Functions]] [[parent::Joint]]
| headers=hide
| headers=hide
| ?Description
| ?Description

Revision as of 20:24, 20 February 2011

Allow two Bodies to revolve around a shared point.

Created with love.physics.newRevoluteJoint.


Joint:destroyExplicitly destroys the Joint.
Joint:getAnchorsGet the anchor points of the joint.
Joint:getBodiesGets the bodies that the Joint is attached to.
Joint:getCollideConnectedGets whether the connected Bodies collide.
Joint:getReactionForceReturns the reaction force on the second body.
Joint:getReactionTorqueReturns the reaction torque on the second body.
Joint:getTypeGets a string representing the type.
Joint:getUserDataReturns the Lua value associated with this Joint.
Joint:isDestroyedGets whether the Joint is destroyed.
Joint:setCollideConnectedSets whether the connected Bodies should collide with each other.
Joint:setUserDataAssociates a Lua value with the Joint.
RevoluteJoint:areLimitsEnabledChecks whether limits are enabled.
RevoluteJoint:enableLimitEnables or disables the joint limits.
RevoluteJoint:enableMotorStarts or stops the joint motor.
RevoluteJoint:getJointAngleGet the current joint angle.
RevoluteJoint:getJointSpeedGet the current joint angle speed.
RevoluteJoint:getLimitsGets the joint limits.
RevoluteJoint:getLowerLimitGets the lower limit.
RevoluteJoint:getMaxMotorTorqueGets the maximum motor force.
RevoluteJoint:getMotorSpeedGets the motor speed.
RevoluteJoint:getMotorTorqueGet the current motor force.
RevoluteJoint:getReferenceAngleGets the reference angle.
RevoluteJoint:getUpperLimitGets the upper limit.
RevoluteJoint:hasLimitsEnabledChecks whether limits are enabled.
RevoluteJoint:isLimitsEnabledChecks whether limits are enabled.
RevoluteJoint:isMotorEnabledChecks whether the motor is enabled.
RevoluteJoint:setLimitsSets the limits.
RevoluteJoint:setLimitsEnabledEnables/disables the joint limit.
RevoluteJoint:setLowerLimitSets the lower limit.
RevoluteJoint:setMaxMotorTorqueSet the maximum motor force.
RevoluteJoint:setMotorEnabledEnables/disables the joint motor.
RevoluteJoint:setMotorSpeedSets the motor speed.
RevoluteJoint:setUpperLimitSets the upper limit.

See Also

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