Difference between revisions of "lua-enet"

(Added newin)
(Love fixed the inconsistentcy)
Line 53: Line 53:
|Sets the bandwidth limits of the host in bytes/sec.
|Sets the bandwidth limits of the host in bytes/sec.
|[[enet.host:socket_get_address | host:socket_get_address]]
|[[enet.host:get_socket_address | host:get_socket_address]]
|Returns a [[string]] that describes the socket address of the given host.
|Returns a [[string]] that describes the socket address of the given host.

Revision as of 22:18, 31 January 2015

Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This module is not supported in earlier versions.

O.png Official documentation for lua-enet is available here. ENet's features are listed on its homepage. Be wary that there's misspellings and misleading examples in the official documentation.  

lua-enet is simply some lua bindings for ENet.

ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol).The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets.

ENet omits certain higher level networking features such as authentication, lobbying, server discovery, encryption, or other similar tasks that are particularly application specific so that the library remains flexible, portable, and easily embeddable.


Type Description
host An ENet host for communicating with peers.
peer An ENet peer which data packets may be sent or received from.
event A simple table containing information on an event.


Function Description
host_create Returns a new host.
host:service Wait for events, send and receive any ready packets.
host:check_events Checks for any queued events and dispatches one if available.
host:connect Connects a host to a remote host. Returns peer object associated with remote host.
host:flush Sends any queued packets.
host:broadcast Queues a packet to be sent to all connected peers.
host:channel_limit Sets the maximum number of channels allowed.
host:bandwidth_limit Sets the bandwidth limits of the host in bytes/sec.
host:get_socket_address Returns a string that describes the socket address of the given host.
host:total_sent_data Returns the number of bytes that were sent through the given host.
host:total_received_data Returns the number of bytes that were received by the given host.
host:service_time Returns the timestamp of the last call to host:service() or host:flush().
host:peer_count Returns the number of peers that are allocated for the given host.
host:get_peer Returns the connected peer at the specified index (starting at 1).
host:__gc Destroys the host, freeing any bound ports and addresses.
peer:disconnect Requests a disconnection from the peer.
peer:disconnect_now Force immediate disconnection from peer.
peer:disconnect_later Request a disconnection from peer, but only after all queued outgoing packets are sent.
peer:reset Forcefully disconnects peer. The peer is not notified of the disconnection.
peer:ping Send a ping request to peer, updates round_trip_time. This is called automatically at regular intervals.
peer:receive Attempts to dequeue an incoming packet for this peer.
peer:send Queues a packet to be sent to peer.
peer:throttle_configure Changes the probability at which unreliable packets should not be dropped.
peer:ping_interval Specifies the interval in milliseconds that pings are sent to the other end of the connection (defaults to 500).
peer:timeout Returns or sets the parameters when a timeout is detected.
peer:index Returns the index of the peer.
peer:state Returns the state of the peer.
peer:connect_id Returns the field ENetPeer::connectID that is assigned for each connection.
peer:round_trip_time Returns or sets the current round trip time (i.e. ping).
peer:last_round_trip_time Returns or sets the round trip time of the previous round trip time computation.



-- server.lua
require "enet"
local host = enet.host_create("localhost:6789")
while true do
  local event = host:service(100)
  while event do
    if event.type == "receive" then
      print("Got message: ", event.data, event.peer)
      event.peer:send( "pong" )
    elseif event.type == "connect" then
      print(event.peer .. " connected.")
    elseif event.type == "disconnect" then
      print(event.peer .. " disconnected.")
    event = host:service()


-- client.lua
require "enet"
local host = enet.host_create()
local server = host:connect("localhost:6789")
while true do
  local event = host:service(100)
  while event do
    if event.type == "receive" then
      print("Got message: ", event.data, event.peer)
      event.peer:send( "ping" )
    elseif event.type == "connect" then
      print(event.peer .. " connected.")
      event.peer:send( "ping" )
    elseif event.type == "disconnect" then
      print(event.peer .. " disconnected.")
    event = host:service()