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When the module is loaded with require() it will return a table of functions for the list I will be assuming that the require is set equal to Net:
When the module is loaded with require() it will return a table of functions for the list I will be assuming that the require is set equal to Net:
== Functions ==
* Net:connectedUsers()'' --Returns a list of currently connected users''
* Net:kickUser( id, reason )'' --Kicks the user with specified id and the reason is currently printed to console''
* Net:isServer()'' --Returns true if currently running as a server''
* Net:isClient()'' --Returns true if currently running as a client''
* Net:setMaxPing( ping )'' --If called while running as server it will set the maximum ping( milliseconds ) for clients before they timeout, if called as client it will set the ping time before it pings the server again''
* Net:init( state ) ''--Starts the networking, state needs to be either server, to run as a server, or client, to run as a client''
* Net:update( dt )'' --Add this into any '''ACTIVE''' love.update() and pass the deltatime from the love.update!! IMPORTANT!!!!''
* Net:connect( ip, port )'' --If called as server you must set ip to nil and port to the port you want to listen on, defaults to 20024, when called as client ip and port are required, and port must be the same as the servers, obviously :D''
* Net:disconnect()'' --Disconnects from online, if it is ran from client it will nil out the socket entirely and send a disconnect packet to the server it was on''
* Net:registerCMD( cmd, function )'' --Registers a command for networking, cmd is a string name of the command you want to register, and function is the function ran when a client( or server ) receives the command specified. More on this below :D''
* Net:send( table, cmd, param, id )'' --Id is only supplied if running as server, table is a table of data you want to send, cmd is the command your running on the other end, must be registered, param is parameters to the command, id is the id of the client you want to send to( only if server leave nil if client)''
* Net:encode( table )'' --Encodes a table of data into a string to be sent across the network''
* Net:decode( string )'' --Decodes a string into a table of data when received''
    · Net:connectedUsers()'' --Returns a list of currently connected users''
== Events ==
    · Net:kickUser( id, reason )'' --Kicks the user with specified id and the reason is currently printed to console''
    · Net:isServer()'' --Returns true if currently running as a server''
    · Net:isClient()'' --Returns true if currently running as a client''
    · Net:setMaxPing( ping )'' --If called while running as server it will set the maximum ping( milliseconds ) for clients before they timeout, if called as client it will set the ping time before it pings the server again''
    · Net:init( state ) ''--Starts the networking, state needs to be either server, to run as a server, or client, to run as a client''
    · Net:update( dt )'' --Add this into any '''ACTIVE''' love.update() and pass the deltatime from the love.update!! IMPORTANT!!!!''
    · Net:connect( ip, port )'' --If called as server you must set ip to nil and port to the port you want to listen on, defaults to 20024, when called as client ip and port are required, and port must be the same as the servers, obviously :D''
    · Net:disconnect()'' --Disconnects from online, if it is ran from client it will nil out the socket entirely and send a disconnect packet to the server it was on''
    · Net:registerCMD( cmd, function )'' --Registers a command for networking, cmd is a string name of the command you want to register, and function is the function ran when a client( or server ) receives the command specified. More on this below :D''
    · Net:send( table, cmd, param, id )'' --Id is only supplied if running as server, table is a table of data you want to send, cmd is the command your running on the other end, must be registered, param is parameters to the command, id is the id of the client you want to send to( only if server leave nil if client)''
    · Net:encode( table )'' --Encodes a table of data into a string to be sent across the network''
    · Net:decode( string )'' --Decodes a string into a table of data when received''
''These are called the same way you call love.update() function Net.event.server.userConnected( id ) end ''
''These are called the same way you call love.update() function Net.event.server.userConnected( id ) end ''
Client Events
=== Client Events ===
* Net.event.client.connect( ip, port)'' --Called when client connects to a server with net:connect() ip is ip of server and port is port of server''
* Net.event.client.receive( table, dt, cmd, param )'' --Called when client receives a packet table is the table client sent, dt deltatime of net:update(), cmd is the command from client, param is parameters from the client''
* Net.event.client.disconnect()'' --Called when client disconnects from server with net:disconnect()''
* Net.event.client.cmdRegistered( cmd, functionS )'' --Called when a command is registered, cmd is the cmd and function is the function called by the cmd''
* Net.event.client.send( table, cmd, param )'' --Called when a packet is sent to the server, table is the table being sent, cmd is the cmd, param is parameters ''
* Net.event.client.kickedFromServer( reason )'' --Called when we( the client ) is kicked from the server, reason is the reason for the kick''
    · Net.event.client.connect( ip, port)'' --Called when client connects to a server with net:connect() ip is ip of server and port is port of server''
=== Server Events ===
    · Net.event.client.receive( table, dt, cmd, param )'' --Called when client receives a packet table is the table client sent, dt deltatime of net:update(), cmd is the command from client, param is parameters from the client''
* Net.event.server.userConnected( id )'' --Called when a user connects to the server''
    · Net.event.client.disconnect()'' --Called when client disconnects from server with net:disconnect()''
* Net.event.server.userDisconnected( id )'' --Called when a user disconnects from the server''
    · Net.event.client.cmdRegistered( cmd, functionS )'' --Called when a command is registered, cmd is the cmd and function is the function called by the cmd''
* Net.event.server.userTimedOut( id )'' --Called when a user times out from the server''
    · Net.event.client.send( table, cmd, param )'' --Called when a packet is sent to the server, table is the table being sent, cmd is the cmd, param is parameters ''
* Net.event.server.userKicked( id, reason )'' --Called when a user is kicked, reason is the reason they were kicked''
    · Net.event.client.kickedFromServer( reason )'' --Called when we( the client ) is kicked from the server, reason is the reason for the kick''
* Net.event.server.receive( table, dt, id, cmd, param )'' --Called when we receive a packet, table is the table sent by client, id is id of client, dt is deltatime of net:update(), cmd is the command sent by client, param is parameters of the client''
* Net.event.server.connect( port )'' --Called when we connect to a port, port is the port connected to''
* Net.event.server.disconnect()'' --Called when we disconnect from the port and stop listening to packets''
* Net.event.server.cmdRegistered( cmd, functionS)'' --Called when we register a command, cmd is the command registered, function is the function called by the cmd''
* Net.event.server.send( table, cmd, param, id )'' --Called when we send a packet to a client, table is the table sent, cmd is the cmd sent, param is the parameters sent, id is the id of the client we sent to''
Server Events
== Variables/Tables ==
* Net.client = table'' --Holds Ip and port of currently connected server, if not connected ip and port are nil''
    · Net.event.server.userConnected( id )'' --Called when a user connects to the server''
* Net.server = table'' --Holds the port currently being listened on, nil if not listening''
    · Net.event.server.userDisconnected( id )'' --Called when a user disconnects from the server''
* Net.commands = table'' --Holds all currently registered commands in format CMD = FUNCTION, command editing function coming soon!''
    · Net.event.server.userTimedOut( id )'' --Called when a user times out from the server''
* Net.users = table'' --Holds all currently connected users in format ID = PLAYERTABLE, player table editing function coming soon!''
    · Net.event.server.userKicked( id, reason )'' --Called when a user is kicked, reason is the reason they were kicked''
* Net.maxPing = integer'' --Current max ping of server, or client''
    · Net.event.server.receive( table, dt, id, cmd, param )'' --Called when we receive a packet, table is the table sent by client, id is id of client, dt is deltatime of net:update(), cmd is the command sent by client, param is parameters of the client''
* Net.connected = boolean'' --True if connected to a server or listening to a port, false if not''
    · Net.event.server.connect( port )'' --Called when we connect to a port, port is the port connected to''
    · Net.event.server.disconnect()'' --Called when we disconnect from the port and stop listening to packets''
    · Net.event.server.cmdRegistered( cmd, functionS)'' --Called when we register a command, cmd is the command registered, function is the function called by the cmd''
    · Net.event.server.send( table, cmd, param, id )'' --Called when we send a packet to a client, table is the table sent, cmd is the cmd sent, param is the parameters sent, id is the id of the client we sent to''
    · Net.client = table'' --Holds Ip and port of currently connected server, if not connected ip and port are nil''
    · Net.server = table'' --Holds the port currently being listened on, nil if not listening''
    · Net.commands = table'' --Holds all currently registered commands in format CMD = FUNCTION, command editing function coming soon!''
    · Net.users = table'' --Holds all currently connected users in format ID = PLAYERTABLE, player table editing function coming soon!''
    · Net.maxPing = integer'' --Current max ping of server, or client''
    · Net.connected = boolean'' --True if connected to a server or listening to a port, false if not''
''Server Setup''
== Tutorial ==
=== Server Setup ===
Step 1: Require the module as a variable
Step 1: Require the module as a variable
<source lang="lua">
  Net = require( "net" )  
  Net = require( "net" )  
Step 2: Initialize the networking
Step 2: Initialize the networking
<source lang="lua">
  Net:init( "Server" )  
  Net:init( "Server" )  
Step 3: Connect to a port to listen for packets on
Step 3: Connect to a port to listen for packets on
<source lang="lua">
  Net:connect( nil, 25045 )  
  Net:connect( nil, 25045 )  
Step 4: Register some commands for received packets, the table is a table encoded and sent to us by the client :D useful for this
Step 4: Register some commands for received packets, the table is a table encoded and sent to us by the client :D useful for this
<source lang="lua">
  Net:registerCMD( "updateStatsOfPlayer", function( table, parameters, id, dt ) Net.users[id].name = table.name Net.users[id].color = table.color end )  
  Net:registerCMD( "updateStatsOfPlayer", function( table, parameters, id, dt ) Net.users[id].name = table.name Net.users[id].color = table.color end )  
Step 5: Send some packets to a client! :D This will print to every client on the server's console "Hello There Mr. Client!"
Step 5: Send some packets to a client! :D This will print to every client on the server's console "Hello There Mr. Client!"
<source lang="lua">
  for id,playerdata in pairs( Net.users ) do  
  for id,playerdata in pairs( Net.users ) do  
     Net:send( {}, "print", "Hello There Mr. Client!", id )  
     Net:send( {}, "print", "Hello There Mr. Client!", id )  
''Client Setup''
=== Client Setup ===
Step 1: Require the module as a variable
Step 1: Require the module as a variable
<source lang="lua">
  Net = require( "net" )  
  Net = require( "net" )  
Step 2: Initialize the networking
Step 2: Initialize the networking
<source lang="lua">
  Net:init( "Client" )  
  Net:init( "Client" )  
Step 3: Connect to a server, this will also initialize the handshake feature and allow us to use net:send()
Step 3: Connect to a server, this will also initialize the handshake feature and allow us to use net:send()
<source lang="lua">
  Net:connect( "", 25045 )  
  Net:connect( "", 25045 )  
Step 4: Register some commands for received packets, the table is a table encoded and sent to us by the client :D useful for this
Step 4: Register some commands for received packets, the table is a table encoded and sent to us by the client :D useful for this
<source lang="lua">
  Net:registerCMD( "updateStatsOfBattlefield", function( table, parameters, id, dt )Tank.x = table.x Tank.y = table.y Tank.name = table.name end )  
  Net:registerCMD( "updateStatsOfBattlefield", function( table, parameters, id, dt )Tank.x = table.x Tank.y = table.y Tank.name = table.name end )  
Step 5: Send some packets to the server! :D This will print to the servers console "Hello there Mr. Server!", the {} is an empty table, THIS IS REQUIRE DON'T LEAVE IT NIL
Step 5: Send some packets to the server! :D This will print to the servers console "Hello there Mr. Server!", the {} is an empty table, THIS IS REQUIRE DON'T LEAVE IT NIL
<source lang="lua">
  Net:send( {}, "print", "Hello There Mr. Server!" )
  Net:send( {}, "print", "Hello There Mr. Server!" )
== Other Languages ==
== Other Languages ==

Latest revision as of 03:15, 16 December 2019

LÖVE CÖNNECTION is a networking module coded and maintained by Nicholas Scott [1]

When the module is loaded with require() it will return a table of functions for the list I will be assuming that the require is set equal to Net:


  • Net:connectedUsers() --Returns a list of currently connected users
  • Net:kickUser( id, reason ) --Kicks the user with specified id and the reason is currently printed to console
  • Net:isServer() --Returns true if currently running as a server
  • Net:isClient() --Returns true if currently running as a client
  • Net:setMaxPing( ping ) --If called while running as server it will set the maximum ping( milliseconds ) for clients before they timeout, if called as client it will set the ping time before it pings the server again
  • Net:init( state ) --Starts the networking, state needs to be either server, to run as a server, or client, to run as a client
  • Net:update( dt ) --Add this into any ACTIVE love.update() and pass the deltatime from the love.update!! IMPORTANT!!!!
  • Net:connect( ip, port ) --If called as server you must set ip to nil and port to the port you want to listen on, defaults to 20024, when called as client ip and port are required, and port must be the same as the servers, obviously :D
  • Net:disconnect() --Disconnects from online, if it is ran from client it will nil out the socket entirely and send a disconnect packet to the server it was on
  • Net:registerCMD( cmd, function ) --Registers a command for networking, cmd is a string name of the command you want to register, and function is the function ran when a client( or server ) receives the command specified. More on this below :D
  • Net:send( table, cmd, param, id ) --Id is only supplied if running as server, table is a table of data you want to send, cmd is the command your running on the other end, must be registered, param is parameters to the command, id is the id of the client you want to send to( only if server leave nil if client)
  • Net:encode( table ) --Encodes a table of data into a string to be sent across the network
  • Net:decode( string ) --Decodes a string into a table of data when received


These are called the same way you call love.update() function Net.event.server.userConnected( id ) end

Client Events

  • Net.event.client.connect( ip, port) --Called when client connects to a server with net:connect() ip is ip of server and port is port of server
  • Net.event.client.receive( table, dt, cmd, param ) --Called when client receives a packet table is the table client sent, dt deltatime of net:update(), cmd is the command from client, param is parameters from the client
  • Net.event.client.disconnect() --Called when client disconnects from server with net:disconnect()
  • Net.event.client.cmdRegistered( cmd, functionS ) --Called when a command is registered, cmd is the cmd and function is the function called by the cmd
  • Net.event.client.send( table, cmd, param ) --Called when a packet is sent to the server, table is the table being sent, cmd is the cmd, param is parameters
  • Net.event.client.kickedFromServer( reason ) --Called when we( the client ) is kicked from the server, reason is the reason for the kick

Server Events

  • Net.event.server.userConnected( id ) --Called when a user connects to the server
  • Net.event.server.userDisconnected( id ) --Called when a user disconnects from the server
  • Net.event.server.userTimedOut( id ) --Called when a user times out from the server
  • Net.event.server.userKicked( id, reason ) --Called when a user is kicked, reason is the reason they were kicked
  • Net.event.server.receive( table, dt, id, cmd, param ) --Called when we receive a packet, table is the table sent by client, id is id of client, dt is deltatime of net:update(), cmd is the command sent by client, param is parameters of the client
  • Net.event.server.connect( port ) --Called when we connect to a port, port is the port connected to
  • Net.event.server.disconnect() --Called when we disconnect from the port and stop listening to packets
  • Net.event.server.cmdRegistered( cmd, functionS) --Called when we register a command, cmd is the command registered, function is the function called by the cmd
  • Net.event.server.send( table, cmd, param, id ) --Called when we send a packet to a client, table is the table sent, cmd is the cmd sent, param is the parameters sent, id is the id of the client we sent to


  • Net.client = table --Holds Ip and port of currently connected server, if not connected ip and port are nil
  • Net.server = table --Holds the port currently being listened on, nil if not listening
  • Net.commands = table --Holds all currently registered commands in format CMD = FUNCTION, command editing function coming soon!
  • Net.users = table --Holds all currently connected users in format ID = PLAYERTABLE, player table editing function coming soon!
  • Net.maxPing = integer --Current max ping of server, or client
  • Net.connected = boolean --True if connected to a server or listening to a port, false if not


Server Setup

Step 1: Require the module as a variable

 Net = require( "net" )

Step 2: Initialize the networking

 Net:init( "Server" )

Step 3: Connect to a port to listen for packets on

 Net:connect( nil, 25045 )

Step 4: Register some commands for received packets, the table is a table encoded and sent to us by the client :D useful for this

 Net:registerCMD( "updateStatsOfPlayer", function( table, parameters, id, dt ) Net.users[id].name = table.name Net.users[id].color = table.color end )

Step 5: Send some packets to a client! :D This will print to every client on the server's console "Hello There Mr. Client!"

 for id,playerdata in pairs( Net.users ) do 
    Net:send( {}, "print", "Hello There Mr. Client!", id ) 

Client Setup

Step 1: Require the module as a variable

 Net = require( "net" )

Step 2: Initialize the networking

 Net:init( "Client" )

Step 3: Connect to a server, this will also initialize the handshake feature and allow us to use net:send()

 Net:connect( "", 25045 )

Step 4: Register some commands for received packets, the table is a table encoded and sent to us by the client :D useful for this

 Net:registerCMD( "updateStatsOfBattlefield", function( table, parameters, id, dt )Tank.x = table.x Tank.y = table.y Tank.name = table.name end )

Step 5: Send some packets to the server! :D This will print to the servers console "Hello there Mr. Server!", the {} is an empty table, THIS IS REQUIRE DON'T LEAVE IT NIL

 Net:send( {}, "print", "Hello There Mr. Server!" )

Other Languages