rotate an image in the direction of the mouse
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:46 am
hi how I can make the red barrel follow the mouse or look
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math.atan2(M.y - B.y, M.x - B.x)
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--set barrel image
barrelImage ="barrel.png")
--set some basic variables for barrel
barrelDirection = 0
barrelX = 200
barelY = 200
--Remember: images rotate around their origin point
--Since the default origin point is (0,0), that means that the image
--would rotate around it's upper-left corner, meaning that it will
--move around in a big circle as it rotates.
--If you set the origin point to the center of the image (image's width/2, image's height/2)
--then the image won't appear to orbit around as it rotates.
--This also means that you'll have to adjust the x and y position you set accordingly
--e.g. if the barrel's x origin is 16 and it's x is 100, then the image will be actually
--be displayed at x position 84 (100 - 16 = 84). So take this into account when
--you set the barrel's position.
barrelOriginX = barrelImage:getWidth()/2
barrelOriginY = barrelImage:getHeight()/2
function love.update()
--use the handy "find rotation" function that I added to the bottom of this code
barrelDirection = findRotation(barrelX,barrelY,love.mouse.getX(),love.mouse.getY())
function love.draw()
--draw the barrel
--see for info on the
--function's arguments,barrelX,barrelY,barrelDirection,1,1,barrelOriginX,barrelOriginY)
--basic "find rotation" math function
function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2)
return math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
Yep, exactly!William Willing wrote:A little trigonometry should do the trick. You have a triangle like this, where B is the barrel and M is the position of your mouse cursor.
You know the coordinates of both B and M, so you can calculate two of the sides of the triangle: M.x - B.x and M.y - B.y. Now you can find out the angle you need using the arc tangent, or in Lua:
Note that I'm assuming a conventional coordinate system in my example. The computer screen uses a coordinate system where the y-axis is flipped, so you'll have to compensate for that, but the principle is the same.Code: Select all
math.atan2(M.y - B.y, M.x - B.x)
William Willing wrote:A little trigonometry should do the trick. You have a triangle like this, where B is the barrel and M is the position of your mouse cursor.
You know the coordinates of both B and M, so you can calculate two of the sides of the triangle: M.x - B.x and M.y - B.y. Now you can find out the angle you need using the arc tangent, or in Lua:
Note that I'm assuming a conventional coordinate system in my example. The computer screen uses a coordinate system where the y-axis is flipped, so you'll have to compensate for that, but the principle is the same.Code: Select all
math.atan2(M.y - B.y, M.x - B.x)
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Math.atan2 (m.y - B.y, m.x - B.x) [/ code]
the gun is not pointed at the sight
This line only calculates the angle between barrel and mouse. You have to store it in a variable and give it as a parameter in the graphics.draw function.luislasonbra wrote: hello and have not been able to fix the problem
when I put the code
the gun is not pointed at the sightCode: Select all
Math.atan2 (m.y - B.y, m.x - B.x)
micha wrote:This line only calculates the angle between barrel and mouse. You have to store it in a variable and give it as a parameter in the graphics.draw function.luislasonbra wrote: hello and have not been able to fix the problem
when I put the code
the gun is not pointed at the sightCode: Select all
Math.atan2 (m.y - B.y, m.x - B.x)
Read the code in scutheotaku's post. There it is explained in detail.
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function man.load()
man ="sprite/Char.png")
manx = 0
many = 0
manxvel = 10
manyvel = 10
findRotation = math.atan2(mY - many, mX - manx)
mandirection = findRotation(manx,many,love.mouse.getX(),love.mouse.getY())
manOriginX = man:getWidth()/2
manOriginY = man:getHeight()/2
local mX, mY = love.mouse.getPosition()
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function love.update(dt)
findRotation = math.atan2(mouseY - many, mX - manx)
mouseY = love.mouse.getY()