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Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:50 pm
by Saegor
thanks everybody for comments

darky : thanks, it work great, but i will left player movement in very basic state for now because the priority is the map engine

substitute : could you elaborate ? you suggest shadows for everything or just under the player ? the first case is too hard for me to code, the second is simple but not very usefull (or maybe you said that to darky for his version ?)

EDIT 3 :
there are some quick test .love
try them all !

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:00 pm
by philnelson
This is exactly what I was looking for. Kick-ass.

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:53 pm
by Darky
That's really nice..

But, are you against smooth movements ?
with smooth waves :

instead of

Code: Select all

--waves == 1 or 0
			if (gx % 2 + gy % 2) % 2 ==
			math.floor(love.timer.getTime()*2%2) then
				y5 = y5 - z
				y7 = y7 - z
				y6 = y6 + z
				y8 = y8 + z
				y5 = y5 + z
				y7 = y7 + z
				y6 = y6 - z
				y8 = y8 - z
I put :

Code: Select all

local t= math.sin(5*love.timer.getTime()%(2*math.pi)+(( gx % 2 + gy % 2) % 2)*math.pi)

				y5 = y5 + t*z
				y7 = y7 + t*z
				y6 = y6 - t*z
				y8 = y8 - t*z
(without any fps drop on my old laptop !)
What do you think ?

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:52 am
by Saegor
darky, it's very impressive !

i tried to make the same but it never worked.
do you permit to integrate it in the next version of isömap ?

thank you for all you great help !

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:12 pm
by Darky
Saegor wrote:do you permit to integrate it in the next version of isömap ?
Of course you can !

Here is some performance tips (mainly from tis topic : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3500)
T-Bone wrote: I only looked through the first one there quickly, and was really surprised that

Code: Select all

local sin = math.sin
many times sin(x)
is faster than

Code: Select all

many times math.sin(x)
so my code is perfectible ! (you just have to localize math.floor, math.sin and math.pi)

also : do you know that I get 60fps (instead of 30) with LoveJIT ?

Keep up the good work !

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:35 pm
by Saegor
yeah, it's now in 0.092 !
i rewrited slightly the code but it's you who made it working, thanks again !

i know the localized functions tip but it's easy to add after all the work so i will let the code without it for now

next stages are : a better z axis rotation system (with eventually a +45° rotation function !)
a minimap (because it's fun and esay to code)

i also want to rewrite some basic lines like the face_setColor function because i cleaned some things and now grass is growing under water !

i hope we will make someday the best roguelike-styled graphical engine ever !

ps : isömap on my eeepc with unsupported intel card is running at max 21fps so i can't imagine how it will be without the LuaJIT version :p

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:55 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
Please, Git that. Or bitbucket it, or whatever, I don't care, this project really deserves more visibility.
Anyway, awesome progresses, just tried the 0.092 release. Keep it up!

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:29 pm
by philnelson
Roland_Yonaba wrote:Please, Git that. Or bitbucket it, or whatever, I don't care, this project really deserves more visibility.
Anyway, awesome progresses, just tried the 0.092 release. Keep it up!

Re: Isömap

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:57 pm
by Robin
What Roland said.

Also, I made a little change that makes the camera angle move up and down, to make it more clear if the player was in the air or on the ground. Unfortunately, it seems to make me seasick. You might not want to look at this.

Re: Isömap

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:26 am
by emisaur
This is super impressive, time to read your code