Re: 1K Breakout challenge
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:41 am
Attempt 2: 887 876 bytes
Slight minification of my previous version, but the same functionality. Also put into one-liner.
As a side note, I wonder if anybody is able to implement some sort of continuous collision detection in the their entry. That would be really cool and make the games more playable (no weird bounces).
Thanks undef for the catch on some extra space!
Slight minification of my previous version, but the same functionality. Also put into one-liner.
Code: Select all
function S()W,H=G.getDimensions()P,R,T,U,V={x=W/2,y=H-5,w=W/8,h=10},{x=W/2,y=H-18,w=16,h=16},1,0,0;B={[-1]=P,[0]=R}for x=W/20,W,W/10 do for y=10,100,20 do B[#B+1]={x=x,y=y,w=W/10,h=20}end end end;L,Z=love,math;G,K,a,m,M,r,,L.keyboard.isDown,Z.abs,Z.min,Z.max,Z.random,S;S()function L.draw()if K'a'then P.x=M(W/20,P.x-10)end;if K'd'then P.x=m(W-W/20,P.x+10)end;if K's'and T then T,V,U=nil,-r(4)-4,r(4)-2 end;R.x,R.y=T and P.x or R.x+U,R.y+V;for i=1,#B do b=B[i]X,Y=a(R.x-b.x)-8-b.w/2,a(R.y-b.y)-8-b.h/2;if Y<0 and X<0 then if X>Y then U=-U else V=-V end;B[i]=B[#B];B[#B]=nil;if #B<1 then S()end break end end if R.y>H-15 and a(R.x-P.x)<R.w/2+P.w/2 then V,U=-a(V),m(M(-8,U+r(2)-1),8)end if R.x<5 then U=a(U)elseif R.x>W then U=-a(U)end if R.y<0 then V=a(V)elseif R.y>H+9 then S()end for i=-1,#B do b=B[i]G.rectangle('fill',b.x-b.w/2,b.y-b.h/2,b.w,b.h)end end
Thanks undef for the catch on some extra space!