Breakout clone in 1K or less - unzipped
1.reset when all blocks are cleared
2.handle the ball going off the screen
3.the paddle should not move off the screen
3.do NOT use "loadstring" (we want the focus to be on game logic)
Extra credit:
1.gameplay gets harder as you progress
2.should scale and be playable on different resolutions
1K Breakout challenge
1K Breakout challenge
Last edited by ivan on Tue May 10, 2016 4:11 am, edited 6 times in total.
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
Revision 3, 1002 bytes:
Note: does not use locals!
License: MIT (go ahead, add it as an Easter egg in your real projects)
Code: Select all
L=love;g,k=L.graphics,L.keyboard.isDown;p,n,a=pairs,tonumber,math.abs;x,y=g.getDimensions()W,H=x/13,y/32;w,h=W/2,H/2;s=W/8;t={}t.t={x=x/2,y=0,w=x,h=h}t.l={x=0,y=y/2,w=w,h=y}t.r={x=x,y=y/2,w=w,h=y}t.z={x=x/2,y=y-h,w=W,h=h}z=t.z;e,u,q=0,0,0;i=1/60;function j()b={x=z.x,y=z.y-H,w=h,h=h}U,V=0,0;u=u+1;for x=1,12 do for y=6,10+u do t[x+y*12]={x=x*W,y=y*H,w=w,h=h}e=e+1 end end end;function L.update(c)if e<1 then j()end;q=q+c;while q>i do q=q-i;b.x=b.x+U;b.y=b.y+V;if b.y>y then b.x,b.y=z.x,z.y-H;U,V=0,0 end;for k,d in p(t)do dx,dy=b.x-d.x,b.y-d.y;if a(dx)<d.w+b.w and a(dy)<d.h+b.h then if d==z then U=dx/(b.w+d.w)*s;V=-s elseif d==t.l then U=a(U)elseif d==t.r then U=-a(U)elseif d==t.t then V=a(V)elseif n(k)then t[k]=nil;e=e-1;V=-V end;break end end;m=k('left')and z.x>z.w and-s or 0;m=k('right')and z.x<x-z.w and s or m;V=k('space')and-s or V;z.x=z.x+m;if V==0 then b.x=b.x+m end end end;function o(d)g.rectangle('fill',d.x-d.w,d.y-d.h,d.w*2,d.h*2)end;function L.draw()for f,d in p(t)do o(d)end;o(b)end
License: MIT (go ahead, add it as an Easter egg in your real projects)
- Attachments
- b1k.love
- revision 3
- (679 Bytes) Downloaded 337 times
Last edited by ivan on Tue May 10, 2016 5:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
This is some seriously cool stuff. I sadly don't know how to make anything this small, but kudos to you for this.
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
Thanks! There are Lua minification tools out there, so you could probably pull something off if you get your usual code down to 2-3k.
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
I messed something up somewhere, typical me... But if someone wants to steal this and make it work(good luck), have at it. Its at 959 bytes right now.
Code: Select all
local lg,lk=love.graphics,love.keyboard.isDown local lgw,lgh=lg.getDimensions()local b={lgw/2,lgh-60}local v={0,0}local p={lgw/2-75,lgh-50}local w={{0,0,lgw,10},{0,0,10,lgh},{0,lgh-10,lgw,10},{lgw-10,0,10,lgh}}local blk={}for i=0,9 do for j=2,6 do blk[#blk+1]={i*80,j*30,true}end end function love.update(dt)if lk(' ')and v[1]==0 and v[2]==0 then v[2]=-100 end b[1]=b[1]+v[1]*dt b[2]=b[2]+v[2]*dt if lk('a')then p[1]=p[1]-100*dt end if lk('d')then p[1]=p[1]+100*dt end for f,z in ipairs(blk)do local dx,dy=b[1]-z[1]-15,b[2]-z[2]-25 if dx<=20 and dy<=10 then blk[f][3]=false v[2]=-v[2]end end if b[2]<=p[2]and b[2]>p[2]-10 then if b[1]>=p[1]and b[1]<=p[1]+150 then v[2]=-v[2]end end end function love.draw()lg.setColor(255,255,255)for _,w in ipairs(w)do lg.rectangle("fill",w[1],w[2],w[3],w[4])end for q=1,#blk do if blk[q][3]then lg.rectangle("fill",blk[q][1]+1,blk[q][2]+1,78,28)end end lg.circle("fill",b[1],b[2],10) lg.rectangle("fill",p[1],p[2],150,10)end
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
My method is a bit similar to ivan's with only globals, I got mine down to 939 and I could probably get it lower if a bit better whitespace removal, etc.
A couple of notes (or perhaps cheats)
- I'm not including a conf.lua, but if I did I'd enable resizable windows.
- I use a and w instead of left and right to save 7 characters.
- If anyone actually plays it, they may notice the ball can only travel in 8 possible directions.
- love.update(A) for the dt extra credit.
- i like semicolons instead of spaces where lua's syntax requires a token to separate two symbols.
Code: Select all
d,G={},{};for i=0,7 do d[i]=(i*2+1)/8*m.pi end;
r=function()for x=0,13 do for y=0,7 do G[y*14+x+1]={x,1+y,1,1} end end end
p=function()P,B,D = {6,22,2,1},{6.75,20,.5,.5},6 end;r()p()
h=function(w) for i=1,#G do if c(u(G[i])) then z(G,i)D=(w and 3-D or 7-D)%8 break end end end
if k('a')and P[1]>0 then P[1]=m.max(0,P[1]-A)elseif k('d')and P[1]<12 then P[1]=m.min(12,P[1]+A) end
B[2]=B[2]+m.sin(d[D])*A;if c(u(P)) then D=4+m.floor((B[1]+.5-P[1])*1.6) end;h()
B[1]=B[1]+m.cos(d[D])*A;h(1);if #G<1 then r()p() end
if B[1]<=0 or B[1]>=13.5 then D=(3-D)%8 end;if B[2]<=0 then D=7-D end;if B[2]>=24 then p() end end
l.draw=function()X,Y=g.getDimensions()g.scale(X/14,Y/24)s(P)s(B) for i=1,#G do s(G[i]) end end
- I'm not including a conf.lua, but if I did I'd enable resizable windows.
- I use a and w instead of left and right to save 7 characters.
- If anyone actually plays it, they may notice the ball can only travel in 8 possible directions.
- love.update(A) for the dt extra credit.
- i like semicolons instead of spaces where lua's syntax requires a token to separate two symbols.
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
Beelz, lk(" ") didn't work on my version of love, had to change it to lk("space"). Nice first try though.
Inny, good job on making the code so compact and clever use of table.remove in this case.
Also, what do you think should be the next 1k challenge?
Inny, good job on making the code so compact and clever use of table.remove in this case.
It works pretty well, and I managed to clear all the blocks.- If anyone actually plays it, they may notice the ball can only travel in 8 possible directions.
Note that new lines often take two bytes "\r\n" instead of one. You can safely replace those with space or ";".could probably get it lower if a bit better whitespace removal, etc
Also, what do you think should be the next 1k challenge?
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
Nice!Inny wrote:snip
I took your solution and shaved it down to 905 bytes, I think <900 should be possible.
Code: Select all
d,G={},{}for i=0,7 do d[i]=(i*2+1)/8*m.pi end
r=function()W,H=g.getDimensions()for x=0,13 do for y=0,7 do G[y*14+x+1]={x,1+y,1,1}end end end
h=function(w)for i=1,#G do if c(u(G[i]))then z(G,i)D=(w and 3-D or 7-D)%8 break end end end
if k'a'and 0<P[1]then P[1]=m.max(0,P[1]-A)elseif k'd'and P[1]<12 then P[1]=m.min(12,P[1]+A)end
B[2]=B[2]+m.sin(d[D])*A;if c(u(P))then D=4+m.floor((B[1]+.5-P[1])*1.6)end;h()B[1]=B[1]+m.cos(d[D])*A;h(1);if #G<1 then r()p()end
if B[1]<=0 or B[1]>=13.5 then D=(3-D)%8 end;if B[2]<=0 then D=7-D end;if B[2]>=24 then p()end end
s=function(...)for _,v in pairs{...}do g.rectangle('fill',u(v))end end
You probably know that already, but for those who don't - you can omit them when you only have a single string, or a single table as parameter.
Re: 1K Breakout challenge
Once more, building off of undef's tweaks.
- I fixed a bug where the ball gets stuck in the left wall
- Three lives!
- The ball speeds up as you knock out more of the wall
- 952 characters
And for the kill shot, conf.lua is 50 characters
This was really fun. I hope this becomes a thing.
- I fixed a bug where the ball gets stuck in the left wall
- Three lives!
- The ball speeds up as you knock out more of the wall
- 952 characters
Code: Select all
d,G={},{}for i=0,7 do d[i]=(i*2+1)/8*m.pi end;r=function()L=4;for x=0,13 do for y=0,7 do G[y*14+x+1]={x,1+y,1,1}end end end
h=function(w)for i=1,#G do if c(u(G[i]))then z(G,i)D=(w and 3-D or 7-D)%8;S=S*1.01 break end end end
l.update=function(A)A=A*7;P[1]=k'a'and m.max(0,P[1]-A)or k'd'and m.min(12,P[1]+A)or P[1]
B[2]=B[2]+m.sin(d[D])*A*S;if c(u(P))then D=4+m.floor((B[1]+.5-P[1])*1.6)end;h()B[1]=B[1]+m.cos(d[D])*A*S;h(1);
if B[1]<0 or B[1]>13.5 then D=(3-D)%8;B[1]=m.max(0,m.min(13.5,B[1]))end;if B[2]<0 then D,B[2]=7-D,0 end;if B[2]>24 then p()end
if #G<1 or L<1 then r()p()end end;s=function(...)for _,v in pairs{...}do g.rectangle('fill',u(v))end end
Code: Select all
function love.conf(t)t.window.resizable=true end
- Attachments
- breakout_1k_challenge_inny_undef_ivan.love
- (907 Bytes) Downloaded 217 times
- zorg
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Re: 1K Breakout challenge
940 characters built off the last one by Inny: (950 if we count conf.lua)
- replaced whatever line breaking symbol(s) with semicolons, now it's a one-liner
- defined N and U for m.min and m.max (totally unnecessary, since both with and without this, the length is unchanged)
- replaced whatever line breaking symbol(s) with semicolons, now it's a one-liner
- defined N and U for m.min and m.max (totally unnecessary, since both with and without this, the length is unchanged)
Code: Select all
l,m,u,z=love,math,unpack,table.remove;g,k=l.graphics,l.keyboard.isDown;N,U=m.min,m.max;d,G={},{}for i=0,7 do d[i]=(i*2+1)/8*m.pi end;r=function()L=4;for x=0,13 do for y=0,7 do G[y*14+x+1]={x,1+y,1,1}end end end;p=function()L,S,D,P,B=L-1,1,6,{6,22,2,1},{7,20,.5,.5}end;r()p()c=function(X,Y,W,H)return(B[1]<X+W)and(B[2]<Y+H)and(B[1]+.5>X)and(B[2]+.5>Y)end;h=function(w)for i=1,#G do if c(u(G[i]))then z(G,i)D=(w and 3-D or 7-D)%8;S=S*1.01 break end end end;l.update=function(A)A=A*7;P[1]=k'a'and U(0,P[1]-A)or k'd'and N(12,P[1]+A)or P[1];B[2]=B[2]+m.sin(d[D])*A*S;if c(u(P))then D=4+m.floor((B[1]+.5-P[1])*1.6)end;h()B[1]=B[1]+m.cos(d[D])*A*S;h(1);if B[1]<0 or B[1]>13.5 then D=(3-D)%8;B[1]=U(0,N(13.5,B[1]))end;if B[2]<0 then D,B[2]=7-D,0 end;if B[2]>24 then p()end;if #G<1 or L<1 then r()p()end end;s=function(...)for _,v in pairs{...}do g.rectangle('fill',u(v))end end;l.draw=function()W,H=g.getDimensions()g.scale(W/14,H/24)s(P,B,u(G))end
Me and my stuff True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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