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Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:01 pm
by Beluki
S0lll0s wrote:
you should get this into the play store with touch controls!
I currently don't have an android device to test it, so no plan to release it on the play store. I would love to port it to web browsers though, using either love-webplayer or punchdrunk.

BTW, if someone steps up and ports to android, I would be completely fine with him/her selling it on the google play store. I would only ask not to change the gameplay or scoring systems, so that scores between versions can be fairly compared. In the end I just want as much people as possible to play the game.
time thief wrote:
I keep coming back for more. Still trying to break 300k, is 625k your best score?
My current best is 875k at level 12 (screenshot). I played hundreds of times when testing the scoring/ranking systems. I still haven't got the master (1m points) or grandmaster ranks (1m points, > 25x combo > level 20 in a single game), but even now I keep getting closer and closer.
MicroMacro wrote:
Took a minute to get the controls, but this is seriously a nice game. Reminds me of tetris in a way.
I love ( and I mean Love with the two dots on the O. xD) the art style. So simple, yet so clean.
Nixola wrote:
I tried to implement swipe controls in the game. I included no license at all but if you wish you may use it as if it was your code. I don't really care much about the few lines I wrote.

I thought swiping on every move would be awkward, but it actually feels very fluid and natural. The implementation is great too, clean and simple, the changes on the right places, etc... I think I currently like the swiping more than using the two mouse buttons + wheel.

If I add it, would you mind me adding your nick to a contributors folder in the documentation?

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 12:38 pm
by qubodup
Beluki wrote:Nice video. Are you playing with a touchpad? I notice you only move the tiles to the left. Note that right click moves right and the mousewheel moves up or down.
What a hilarious control scheme XD I had no idea anything else but mouse click worked. :)

Here's an all-dir version of dir:

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:02 pm
by MZ|One
Well done! Got around 90k on the second attempt. Clever idea with the LMB/RMB/wheelUp/wheelDown control scheme, but Nixola's swipe edit certainly feels more natural. I think that adding some subtle sounds would go a long way here. Nice one overall!

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:47 pm
by Beluki
MZ|One wrote: Clever idea with the LMB/RMB/wheelUp/wheelDown control scheme, but Nixola's swipe edit certainly feels more natural
Yeah, it was probably too clever. It certainly caused confusion. I think I'll change to swiping. It will also be way better on web browsers and be consistent with an android version (if there ever is one).
qubodup wrote: Here's an all-dir version of dir:
Nice video. 1080p too. Mind me linking to it to showcase gameplay? My connection speed is so slow I can't upload at such high resolutions.

Edit: great 33x +320k combo too at 11:00+. ^^

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:37 pm
by airstruck
Beluki wrote:I currently don't have an android device to test it
Google "net-10 phone" or "tracphone," you can get low-end android devices really cheap (like under $20) from these pay-as-you-go phone services. I use one for testing stuff on an unusually small screen. A store near me was advertising one for $12 yesterday in their weekly flyer, maybe you can find one near you.

I might have to call dibs on that android port though ;)

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:35 pm
by Beluki
I think I have actually found a viable solution, using an emulator for testing (bluestacks). Then again, I'm not actually that interested in working on an android port right now, but this might change in the future.
time thief wrote: I might have to call dibs on that android port though
If you decide to go for it, please send me an email (beluki at or open a github issue or whatever so that I know someone is already working on it if I do change my mind. I can also put a link to the play store version on the github readme, which is also nice.

Other than that, be my guest. I'm happy that more people get to play it.

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:48 pm
by Nixola
Beluki wrote:If I add it, would you mind me adding your nick to a contributors folder in the documentation?
Sure, I don't mind

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:13 pm
by qubodup
Beluki wrote:Nice video. 1080p too. Mind me linking to it to showcase gameplay? My connection speed is so slow I can't upload at such high resolutions.
Of course! Although you might want to try recording and encoding as mp4. Simple image data gets compressed quite well. The entire video was 10MB I think. [EDIT: I was way wrong, it's about 17MB/1min]
Beluki wrote:Edit: great 33x +320k combo too at 11:00+. ^^
Yeah that was crazy. Crazy lucky that is. And it's how I learned about how to get more scores while looking through the video later :)

Setting up a LÖVE to Android workflow takes time and gigabytes but is easy to use once set up if you use template. I straight ported Nixola's modified version, which is kind of awkward to play with fingers and doesn't handle bottom buttons but is a great start :)

.apk Download (4.7MB):

As you can hear, I made live sound effects.

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:33 pm
by Beluki
qubodup wrote: I straight ported Nixola's modified version, which is kind of awkward to play with fingers and doesn't handle bottom buttons but is a great start...
That looks fantastic!

What Love port did you use? love-android-sdl2? It looks very nice on the phone. I'll probably do a few modifications to the swipe and make a new release soon with swiping controls instead of multiple buttons.

By the way, out of curiosity, how do you exit the game? does it need a new exit button?
qubodup wrote: The entire video was 10MB I think.
WTF? I remember it taking gigabytes and didn't even bother trying to compress.

Re: dir - A match-N puzzle game

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:07 pm
by qubodup
Beluki wrote:What Love port did you use? love-android-sdl2?
Yepp, I use .
Beluki wrote:By the way, out of curiosity, how do you exit the game? does it need a new exit button?
You might want to just use the back button which is equal to escape in the android port. (oh I just noticed you already did that)

On the odd chance that you're on Linux: I use capwin and capwin-pulse to record and that output alone was small cosidering 1080p in the case of dir.

1.777.515 points. Although I didn't start recording before I saw that I couldn't keep up the initial combo chain. 1.598.745 in one count...

PPS: let me take back my tiny-video claims, 8minutes = 141MB after recording to .mkv... :)