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Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:17 pm
by Rickton
Voted. If you're planning on integrating SteamWorks once you get voted (because I'm sure you will!), let us know (at least as much as you legally can) how easy/hard it is to actually do once you get access to it.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:32 am
by josefnpat
Rickton wrote:Voted. If you're planning on integrating SteamWorks once you get voted (because I'm sure you will!), let us know (at least as much as you legally can) how easy/hard it is to actually do once you get access to it.
I played the demo this afternoon, fantastic! Lots of RAM, but at least it was consistent.

Considering an android/OUYA port? I was able to port HDF with quite a bit of success.

Also, if you do get on steam, please FOSS the SteamWorks changes, so maybe someday they can get pushed into LOVE or a branch of it! I have a feeling that you will have to integrate it right into LOVE w/ some CPP code.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:47 pm
by SiENcE
Wow! Such a nice polished game! Wish you good luck!

As josefnpat said:
If you plan to integrate SteamWorks API, please tell here. We also plan to go on Steam Greenlight and want to integrate this. I have researched a bit...but currently no started todo a plugin.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:32 pm
by OmarShehata
I'll definitely let you guys know if/when I get Steam's API working! (Will most likely be coming back to you guys for help though!)

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:35 pm
by jjmafiae
Do you know C++/C ?

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:20 pm
by slime
josefnpat wrote:Also, if you do get on steam, please FOSS the SteamWorks changes, so maybe someday they can get pushed into LOVE or a branch of it! I have a feeling that you will have to integrate it right into LOVE w/ some CPP code.
That might not be possible, the SteamWorks API is technically NDA'd still I believe.
I think there are several user-made bindings for C (which you could use LuaJIT's FFI for) and/or Lua though.

The game is really polished! There are some bugs and performance and memory use issues (and a crash bug I'm having that might be LÖVE's fault, I'll try to get that fixed), but aside from that it really feels like a professional commercial game.. and it's fun. I'd buy it. :)

EDIT: I can't reproduce the crash issue using the latest LÖVE source code, so it might have been fixed already.
Also I recommend using the fullscreen-desktop mode instead of borderless windowed mode, it makes for a much nicer experience in OS X at least.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:21 am
by jjmafiae wrote:4. What language is the Steamworks API available in?

The Steamworks API is written in C++.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:10 am
by slime
Yes, as I said there are several bindings of the Steamworks API for various languages (including C and probably Lua) created by developers who use it. Kind of like how LÖVE's API is written in C++ and exposed to Lua via Lua's C binding API.

The game is using so much VRAM (because it loads tons of large images) that it brings my framerate to a crawl when I use my integrated Intel HD 3000 GPU, since it's paging things in and out of the GPU-controlled portion of my memory very frequently I think (my system only lets the HD 3000 use 512MB of my RAM.)
Reducing the size of images will help a lot with that, as will using DXT texture compression if/when possible.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:50 pm
by OmarShehata
Thanks for the tip about the fullscreen in OSX slime. Will add that as an option.

And yeah we definitely need to do something about the huge images. I did work on something that would create smaller versions of every image the first time you start the game, but we disabled it in the demo because it made the startup take too long and had some problems.

Will definitely need to address this though.

Re: Move Or Die on Steam Greenlight

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:36 pm
by OmarShehata
Just thought I'd keep you guys updated, with the recent batch of greenlit games, we've not only gotten through to the top 100, but we've been bumped up and are as of now ranked #27 of all the games on Greenlight!
