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Tero vs Nixon

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:42 pm
by retrotails
WARNING: This game REQUIRES canvas support.

It's another bad launching game, like ever-so-many flash games. It was made by me and a friend who is into graphic design.
Gameplay: Use WASD or U/D/L/R keys to move. Try to get as high as possible. W is rocket boosters, A and D moves left and right, and S lets you fall through platforms. I might remove this debug feature. Also, you pretty much need a framerate above 60, or else you WILL fall through platforms. I don't know how to fix this without slowing the gameplay down at lower framerates.

The goal, with no story at all, is to reach Pluto. Different colored platforms get you different heights. It's hard to reach Mars, so good luck (it's definitely not to scale) but you're still lucky. This version gives you all the upgrades. All of them.

1,2,3 and 4 change the screen size, F11 goes into fullscreen (which automatically uses the highest resolution available based on the highest pixel width of available resolutions.) I will overhaul the menu to add options to this. It has black bars on the left and right if your screen is like most and wider then 4:3. However, if your screen is taller then 4:3, I don't know what will happen, but it will probably crop the sides of the screen off. I will fix this eventually. Even though the textures are relatively small, the rendering resolution will be pixel perfect in full screen mode.

Escape gets you into the menu. W and S move your selection. Space or Enter do the selection. The menu sucks and will be completely redone next.

You start out with all the upgrades and the hardest difficulty setting. To see or disable upgrades, see saveData.lua

After making a 3D planet rendering thing, I decided to implement it into this game, and fix many things while cleaning up the code, which looks old already.

Re: Tero vs Nixon

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:44 pm
by coffee
This is a blast of fun. However a bit hard. I don't know well how to "anticipate" where fuel rechargers will appear in higher altitudes (by other words I suck on this). But nice game! :)

Re: Tero vs Nixon

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:50 pm
by retrotails
Major bump, I know, but the project isn't dead, just unpopular and infrequently updated. I implemented my 3D planet thing and improved some stuff.