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Looking for a book

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:46 pm
by GeorgeF89

I'm new to Love 2D. Since I don't know too much can someone recommend me some good book for starting or maybe some good tutorial.
@Mods: sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, but this will help me a lot.

Thanks in advance.

George Finch

Re: Looking for a book

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:48 pm
by Jasoco
Reading both the Löve Wiki for the Löve side and's "Programming in Lua" documentation are great resources. Then there's this forum if you have any other problems while working on something.

Start with a simple template project and build from there.

Remember one thing. Use love.load() for setting stuff up like creating images, fonts, everything and putting them in tables (memory) for reference later. This seems to be a mistake a few newbies have done. i.e. they accidentally put their font creation code in love.update() and end up creating them over and over. So make sure that stuff is in love.load() and/or is only called once and not over and over.

Re: Looking for a book

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:14 am
by GeorgeF89
Thank you Jasoco! I will check that site for sure.

I would appreciate if someone could also share some video tutorials. :)

Re: Looking for a book

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:41 am
by Qcode
The start of a video series by sockmunkee, he's here on the forums though I haven't seen him for a while. This teaches you basics like setting up your first game and then starts teaching you more advanced stuff like buttons and menus.

Re: Looking for a book

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:59 am
by richapple
There's an awesome part of Löve - it is very easy to learn. For löve-specific help, I think the wiki should cover your needs. As for Lua-specific, I second the PIL recommendation. Or, if you need reference, you can visit Lua manual.
Yes, I know these aren't books but they (I think) will be enough for you to start from