I have character made by more png files (one file = one step of the animation....not a spritesheet in this case)
How can I create a animation with this type of configuration ?
Player.images = {}
for i = 0, 1 do -- Assuming there are 2 frames
Player.images[i] = "graphics/character/down_idle/" .. i .. ".png"
Player.spritesheet = love.graphics.newArrayImage(Player.images)
Just keep the state of animation in a variable, e.g. anim_state=1, increase by 1 in each animation frame (add dt - delta time up to length of animation (e.g. 0.2 seconds), then reset to zero and start new counting for the next frame etc.) in love.update() function. Once you hit maximum number of elements in table (or overall length of the animation), reset anim_state back to 1.