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Development of my platformer game

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:18 am
by Ralob
Note: This post was translated by Chat-GPT, as English is not my native language. So, I apologize for any potential errors in the translation. :nyu:

Hi everyone, I'm new here in the LÖVE community forums, but I've been using the framework for a few months, so I consider myself experienced.

I wanted to share a bit of the development of my new platformer game, which I'm creating to improve my game development skills. I'm not sure how far I'll go with this project, but I aim to build something solid that can be called a game, hence this post.

Okay, let's get into it. So far, the development has been quite productive. I have a collision system working reasonably well, some sprites, animations, and a decent level builder. I've programmed most of the systems, but I'll leave animation and resolution to the "anim8" and "resolution solution" libraries. Additionally, I'm using a library I created, "Aloader," to load the game's assets. I'm still refining it before making it public.

My next goal is to create a camera from scratch, implement parallax effects, side-scrolling, particle systems, interfaces, among other things. My current biggest fear is starting to work with shaders because it seems to be quite complicated, and I haven't found good tutorials so far.

Lastly, I've attached the project file for you to take a look at. I'd appreciate your feedback on the game's resolution since I have no idea how it behaves on Windows or other devices. I'm working on it from my phone, so if you could let me know, that would be great. Oh, and one more thing, I can't guarantee that the gamepad controls work perfectly yet, as I'm still working on them.

Keyboard Controls:
- A/D: Movement
- Space: Jump
- F1: Debug Screen on/off

Gamepad Controls:
- Dpad left/right: Movement
- A: Jump
- Start: Debug Screen on/off

See you later! :awesome:

Re: Development of my platformer game

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:50 pm
by Ralob
Hello everyone! :ultrahappy:

In these last few days, I've made some progress. I chose to create a camera from scratch to have more control, added a simple parallax system, which will be sufficient for this project, implemented a functional layer system, and fixed some bugs that arose due to these modifications. Additionally, I researched the implementation of shaders in love2D, and I believe that the next time I update you on the project, I'll have some (simple) shaders in the game. Well, for now, that's it, and I'd like to give credit to tutorials as they helped me a lot with the camera and parallax implementation.

Credit: ... the-basics

Keyboard Controls:
- A/D: Movement
- Space: Jump
- F1: Debug Screen on/off

Gamepad Controls:
- Dpad left/right: Movement
- A: Jump
- Start: Debug Screen on/off

Re: Development of my platformer game

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:38 pm
by Bobble68
Good progress so far! I have a little feedback for you:
  • The controls and general feel of the platforming could do with a bit of improvement, currently you speed up when you jump compared to walking, which is a little odd.
  • Your paralax maths is a bit off - if you stand between some of the lower pillars, you would expect the two pillars to line up exactly, however here they are misaligned. It's not a huge problem now, but you will almost certainly find it a problem if you try to go for bigger level sizes as this misalignment gets larger the further the camera is from the origin. The main reason you're seeing this is because the objects in the background are the same size as the forground, where with real perspective you would expect them to be scaled up a little.
Otherwise, I'm interested to see how this develops!