Print not printing.[Sloved]
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 2:03 pm
Im working on some dumb stuff and print wont print.
This is a file verification code i wrote this is called from the conf.lua file
And here is the conf.lua
The print statement wont print to the console.
I use a VS code extention to read the console it is shown in there (Its supposed to show the console output after I have closed LOVE).
Soooo is this a bug ? Or im just stupid.
My brain is not braining any more
Im working on some dumb stuff and print wont print.
This is a file verification code i wrote this is called from the conf.lua file
Code: Select all
local files = {
-- name of the files
-- other files
for i = 1, #files, 1 do
if not(love.filesystem.getInfo(files[i])) then
print(files[i].." Not found")
error("Installation is damaged "..files[i].." not found")
print("Done verified..."..files[i])
Code: Select all
function love.conf(t)
t.console = true
t.version = 11.5
require("libs/verify") -- called here
I use a VS code extention to read the console it is shown in there (Its supposed to show the console output after I have closed LOVE).
Soooo is this a bug ? Or im just stupid.
My brain is not braining any more