local ball_x, ball_y, x_speed, y_speed, ball_size
local canvas, escala
function love.load()
-- Inicializa las variables de la pelota
ball_x = 64
x_speed = 0.1
ball_y = 64
y_speed = 0.1
ball_size = 6
-- Tamaño del lienzo
local canvasSize = 128
-- Inicializa el lienzo y la escala
love.graphics.setDefaultFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas(canvasSize, canvasSize)
canvas:setFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
escala = love.graphics.getWidth() / canvasSize
-- Escala fija para mantener una relación de aspecto de 1:1
love.window.setMode(canvasSize * escala, canvasSize * escala, {resizable=true})
function love.update(dt)
-- Lógica del juego
ball_y = ball_y + y_speed
ball_x = ball_x + x_speed
-- Lógica de rebote en las paredes
if ball_x > 127 - ball_size or ball_x < 1 then
x_speed = -x_speed
if ball_y > 127 - ball_size or ball_y < 1 then
y_speed = -y_speed
function love.draw()
-- Dibuja en el lienzo
-- Dibuja la pelota en el lienzo
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
love.graphics.circle("fill", ball_x, ball_y, ball_size)
-- Dibuja el lienzo escalado sin distorsión
love.graphics.draw(canvas, 0, 0, 0, escala, escala)
The problem is that you are scaling up the canvas in order to pixelate the circle. You've essentially "zoomed in" on the canvas' coordinate plane, which makes the circle visually snap to a grid.
If you want a pixelated circle that moves smoothly, the easiest way is to use a texture, scale that up, and draw it with nearest filtering.
I've also simplified and altered your code to do what (I think) you intended. You can just add a pixel-art texture to the ball table and draw that instead of using love.graphics.circle if you want the pixelated effect.
local ball =
x = 64,
y = 64,
dx = 1,
dy = 1,
speed = 200,
radius = 16
local window_width = 600
local window_height = 800
function love.load()
love.window.setMode(window_width, window_height)
love.graphics.setDefaultFilter('nearest', 'nearest')
function love.draw()
love.graphics.circle('fill', ball.x, ball.y, ball.radius)
function love.update(dt)
ball.x = ball.x + (ball.dx * ball.speed * dt)
ball.y = ball.y + (ball.dy * ball.speed * dt)
if ball.x > window_width - ball.radius or ball.x < ball.radius then
ball.dx = -ball.dx
if ball.y > window_height - ball.radius or ball.y < ball.radius then
ball.dy = -ball.dy