I'm new to love2d but before trying anything I wanted to see how it runs on Android so I made an apk.
But when I click on it to install the message appears: package corrupt.
I believe I'm doing something wrong in these fields that I filled in according to the distribution tutorial:
my "(project)/app/build.gradle" looked like this:
applicationId project.properties["app.game"]
versionCode project.properties["app.1.0.0"].toInteger()
versionName project.properties["app.11"]
my "(project)/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml" looked like this:
I changed the variable: --> "${NAME}" to --> "game"
android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" >
With this configuration it made the apk but it doesn't install.
help me with android apk and aab.
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